
Tuesday, March 12, 2019


St. Peregrine was born in 1260 at Forlì, Italy to an affluent family. He lived a comfortable life as a youth, and politically opposed the papacy. After he experienced the forgiveness of St. Philip Benizi, he changed his life and joined the Servite order. He was ordained a priest, and later returned to his home to establish a Servite community. There he was widely known for his preaching, penances, and counsel in the confessional. He was cured of cancer, after he received a vision of Christ on the cross reaching out His hand to touch his impaired limb. He died in 1345 and was canonized in 1726. He is the patron saint for persons suffering from cancer, AIDS and other illnesses.

Prayer to Saint Peregrine
O great St. Peregrine, you have been called "The Mighty," "The Wonder-Worker," because of the numerous miracles which you have obtained from God for those who have had recourse to you.
For so many years you bore in your own flesh this cancerous disease that destroys the very fiber of our being, and who had recourse to the source of all grace when the power of man could do no more. You were favored with the vision of Jesus coming down from His Cross to heal your affliction. Ask of God and Our Lady, the cure of the sick whom we entrust to you.
(Pause here and silently recall the names of the sick for whom you are praying)
Aided in this way by your powerful intercession, we shall sing to God, now and for all eternity, a song of gratitude for His great goodness and mercy.

Day 1- Saint Peregrine Novena

O great St. Peregrine,who
 were yourself converted
from a violent and sinful life,
grant that those who have
strayed from the way of Christ may,
like you, be given
the grace to repent and amend their ways.
St. Peregrine, pray for us.
Say 1: Our Father...Say 1: Hail Mary...
Say 1: Glory Be...

 Day 2- Saint Peregrine Novena

Good St. Peregrine,
who bore the agonies of cancer patiently
for so many years,
grant us the courage and faith to stand up
under our own sickness or weakness.
Amen. St. Peregrine,
pray for our fortitude.
Say 1: Our Father...Say 1: Hail Mary...
Say 1: Glory Be...

Day 3- Saint Peregrine Novena

St. Peregrine, as His priest,
you dwelt for many years in peace
in the House of the Lord.
Intercede for us with Him, then,
that this troubled world, torn by hatred and
violence, may at last know the blessedness
of peace with justice. Amen. St.Peregrine,
help us bring lasting peace to the world.
Say 1: Our Father...Say 1: Hail Mary...
Say 1: Glory Be...

Day 4- Saint Peregrine Novena

 St. Peregrine, you became 
a model priestand eloquent preacher.
Grant us more
vocations in these troubled times. Amen.
St. Peregrine, inspire more young men
and women to follow in the
footsteps of Christ just as you did.
Say 1: Our Father...Say 1: Hail Mary...
Say 1: Glory Be...

Day 5- Saint Peregrine Novena

O St. Peregrine,just as you 
were cured from cancer
of the body, intercede for us
that the cancer of disregard for life
may be removed from the world today.
St. Peregrine, pray that the people
of the world may heed the teachings
of Christ.
Say 1: Our Father...Say 1: Hail Mary...
Say 1: Glory Be...

Day 6- Saint Peregrine Novena

St. Peregrine,as a youth 
you led a life of sin.
May our Divine Lord grant that your
own conversion may inspire
our wayward young people today
to change their lives
as you did and return to Christ.
St. Peregrine, pray for our young people.
Say 1: Our Father...Say 1: Hail Mary...
Say 1: Glory Be...

Day 7- Saint Peregrine Novena

 St. Peregrine,God granted you 
the grace of a long and fruitful life.
Ask Our Lord, Jesus Christ,
to lighten the burden of
so many of our aged
today who are spending
their twilight years in pain,
sorrow, and loneliness.
St. Peregrine, bring
comfort to our aged in their last days.
Say 1: Our Father...Say 1: Hail Mary...
Say 1: Glory Be...

Day 8- Saint Peregrine Novena

O St. Peregrine,we ask you to heed 
the anguished cries
of those dying from
starvation throughout the world today,
especially children and old people.
St. Peregrine,
pray that relief may come to those
who are suffering from hunger
and thirst in body and soul.
Say 1: Our Father...Say 1: Hail Mary...
Say 1: Glory Be...

Day 9- Saint Peregrine Novena

 Finally, O good St. Peregrine,
we ask that you intercede forthose whom God sees
fit to call home.
May they die in happiness and peace,
confident that they will be
with You forever in the presence
of Jesus and Mary.
St. Peregrine, pray that
we may have strength and comfort
in the hour of our death.
Say 1: Glory Be...
Say 1: Our Father...
Say 1: Hail Mary...

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1 comment:

  1. Message to USA from Almigthy God, Lord Jesus the Christ Holy Son of the
    Father, San Andreas Fault is about to be broken run from that area
    please, My people, run away as soon as possible. Thanks a lot from
    Almigthy God Children of Mine is time or never. Love you Says the Holy
    Jesus Christ, Beloved children run and don´t look back as in time of
    Sodoma and Lot. 21/02/2019.
    The Lord Jesus Christ says to Mexico, "Consecrate yourselves to My
    Wounds, to My Holy Blood and I will protect your families of the great
    catastrophe that is approaching the Popocatepetl as a result of sin of
    abortion. Message for you Puebla to His children by Will of Him, Holy
    among the Saints. Amen, Amen, Amen.February 12th 2019.

    Message from God Almighty Jehova of the Armies to Britain UK March 4th
    2019. Saint Patrick prophecy is going to be accomplish if you please
    repent of sin of abortion and pray to the Blessed Mother of God Jesus
    the Christ to be saved from the coming flooding soon as soon as
    possible, please Says God Almigthy repent children repent My Name is
    Jehova of the Armies Father of the Elohim, repent because the flood is
    not waiting any more to you people rapist men of Pakistan beware My
    Wrath against you murderous sinners of islam you will be burnt alive in
    the fire of Hell very soon. Amen, Aleluya, Amen. Amen Amen Amen. Signed
    from Elohim Saint Michael Archangel of God and the Blessed Mother of
    God Virgin Mary. Amen.
