
Wednesday, May 29, 2019


There is no magical prayer for a Miracle, there only exists a private conversation with God. God will perform miracles, but you must Ask and Trust in him and his will.
If you feel you are unworthy to Pray or don’t know how to pray – but still need help or need to be heard – you can do the following.
  • Ask for Christ’s help
  • Ask for the Intercession of Mary – the Mother of God
  • Ask for the intercession of the Saints
  • Ask for the Intercession of others to pray for your cause
  • Pray Yourself
Let’s Begin
1. Quiet Your Mind – Find a peaceful spot inside or outside. You want to find a location where you wont be distracted and can give GOD your full attention.
2. Take 13 deep breathes – close your eyes.
3. Make the sign of the cross
Say In the Name of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit
4. Say the words that Christ himself gave us in teaching us how to pray…
Our Father, Who art in heaven
Hallowed be Thy Name;
Thy kingdom come,
Thy will be done,
on earth as it is in heaven.
Give us this day our daily bread,
and forgive us our sins
as we forgive those who sin against us;
and lead us not into temptation,
but deliver us from evil.
5. Apologize First for any wrong you have done in the past – be sincere.
O my God, I am heartily sorry for having offended Thee, and I detest all my sins, because I dread the loss of heaven, and the pains of hell; but most of all because they offend Thee, my God, Who are all good and deserving of all my love. I firmly resolve, with the help of Thy grace, to confess my sins, to do penance, and to amend my life.

6. Recite this Prayer

Dear Lord of Mercy and Father of Comfort,
You are the One I turn to for help in moments of weakness and times of need. I ask you to be with your servant ______________ (Name of Person) in this    illness     (or Crisis). Psalm 107:20 says that you send out your Word and heal. So then, please send your healing Word to your servant. In the name of Jesus, drive out all infirmity and sickness from their body.
Dear Lord, I ask you to turn this weakness into strength, suffering into compassion, sorrow into joy, and pain into comfort for others. May your servant trust in your goodness and hope in your faithfulness, even in the middle of this suffering. Let them be filled with patience and joy in your presence as they await for your healing touch.
Please restore your servant to full health, dear Father. Remove all fear and doubt from their heart by the power of your Holy Spirit, and may you, Lord, be glorified through their life.
As you heal and renew your servant, Lord, may they bless and praise you.
All of this I pray in the name of Jesus Christ.  Thank You for hearing my Prayer.  Amen

The Prayer to the Sacred Heart

Oh Lord Jesus Christ, to Your most Sacred Heart I confide this intention {name petition}. Only look upon me, then do what Your love inspires. Let Your Sacred Heart decide. I count on You. I trust in You. I throw myself on Your mercy. Lord Jesus, You will not fail me. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in You. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I believe in Your love for me. Sacred Heart of Jesus, Your kingdom come. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I have asked You for many favors, but I earnestly implore this one. Take it, place it in Your open Heart. When the Eternal Father looks upon it, He will see it covered with Your Precious Blood. It will be no longer my prayer, but Yours, Jesus. Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in You. Let me not be disappointed. Amen
Now Talk With God like He is your parent of Parents!
You have gained the attention of the great God Almighty himself, your father, your creator… the only thing which is real, right now, at this very moment, the only thing that exists is — you and him — together.
Now talk to him… talk to him as if you are a child… for you still are. In the measure of eternity, your time on earth is but just a passing moment. In the Eyes of God, you are a mere minute older than when he first breathed life into you. You are still his beloved child.. his creation…. a part of him.
  • Ask him for your miracle!
  • Listen – Listen to his answer. Every Prayer is answered – sometimes just not in the way you expect.
  • Discern
  • Thank him for hearing your prayers
  • Accept his will – his decision
  • Tell him that you love him
  • Live Your Life Every Day as a good person
  • Help everyone – Harm no one – be beholden only to God and no Man. Be like Christ.

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