
Friday, May 17, 2019


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Worried about your children? Place them under the protection of St. Joseph with this prayer

St. Joseph, foster-father of Jesus, similarly knew the anxieties of parenthood. He did not always fully understand his son and the mission for which he came to earth. Joseph simply had to trust that all would be well.
For these reasons many parents have turned to St. Joseph over the centuries and ask for his special protection over their children. He is known to be a powerful intercessor and can ensure that God will hear the cry of any parent who calls out in faith. Below is one such prayer that will consecrate your children to St. Joseph and entrust them to his loving care.
O glorious St. Joseph, to you God committed the care of His only begotten Son amid the many dangers of this world. We come to you and ask you to take under your special protection the children God has given us. Through holy baptism they became children of God and members of His holy Church. We consecrate them to you today, that through this consecration they may become your foster children. Guard them, guide their steps in life, form their hearts after the hearts of Jesus and Mary.
St. Joseph, who felt the tribulation and worry of a parent when the child Jesus was lost, protect our dear children for time and eternity. May you be their father and counsellor. Let them, like Jesus, grow in age as well as in wisdom and grace before God and men. Preserve them from the corruption of his world, and give us the grace one day to be united with them in Heaven forever. Amen.

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