
Sunday, October 4, 2020

Saint Francis of Asisi

 October 4 is the Memorial of Saint Francis of Assisi, friar and preacher!

1. St. Francis came from a wealthy family but he gave up luxurious living, and live a life of  poverty and total dependence on the good God, after hearing the Lord’s voice who commanded him to rebuild the Christian church. No one else in history was as dedicated as him in imitating the life and carrying out the work of Christ in Christ’s way. He was the first to receive the stigmata, the wounds of Christ in his hands and feet.

2. He established the Franciscan Order of friars known as street preachers with no possessions, and the women's Order of the Poor Ladies. He composed the “Rule of life” for the Franciscans.

3. He preached to people about the life of Jesus Christ. With his evangelical zeal, consecration to poverty, charity, and  his incredible charisma, he drew thousands of followers. He practised true equality by showing utmost respect and love to every person regardless of their status in life. He helped and cared for the sick, the poor, and even lepers. He had great veneration for the Eucharist and respect for the priests who carried out the sacraments.

4. He was the first to set up the nativity scene.

5. He recognized creation as manifestation of the beauty of God. He loves nature and can communicate with animals. He persuaded a wolf by making the sign of the cross to stop attacking the people and their livestock. 

6. St. Francis’ response to God’s grace and calling in his life was remarkable. He is a shining example of carrying out the great commission equipped with boldness and grace by the Holy Spirit. Through his obedience, sacrifice, and humility, his love for God and service for others, he has left a legacy that serves as inspiration to all.


Oh Lord, You imprinted the sacred marks of Thy Passion on the body of blessed father Francis, mercifully grant that by his merits and prayers, may we find relief in the current difficulties the world is experiencing.

Beloved Saint Francis, obtain for us and for our families, relatives, and friends the blessings, providence, healing, mercy, and protection of God now and always. 

Saint Francis of Assisi, pray for us and the whole world. Amen!

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