
Wednesday, January 27, 2021

A beautiful Morning Prayer to say and to share to others



Dear God, in this new dawn I wake up full of joy to thank You for the miracle of life, for everything that surrounds me, for the family that accompanies me and for all the blessings with which You fill my days. Thank you, Eternal Father , because you allow me to keep the faith and be happy despite the problems and thank you because with this new awakening my spirit is filled with hope.

My purpose today is to do good without doubt or anguish. On this new day I will allow myself the joy of living fully and I will fulfill all my obligations with love and joy, giving my best at every moment, because I know that great triumphs are obtained through great efforts. Lord, I ask You never to leave me, because my victories and my joys will only be complete if You are by my side.

Please take me by the hand and help me move forward through the passage of life. Show me the right path, I beg you to lead me along paths of joy and prosperity, remove the evil-intentioned enemy from my side and allow me to have a heart full of love. All the good that I do on this day I want to offer to You, Heavenly Father. 

I also ask you for my family.Please cover us with your beautiful mantle of light, love and protection. Allow us to achieve our wishes and purposes and when night comes, give us the happiness of meeting again in our home to give testimony of your infinite goodness. Dear God, I invite you to live with us in the home that You gave us.

 Today I declare that on this new day everything will turn out well for me and my day will be full of happiness, blessings and prosperity, because God is with me and where God is, there is absolutely nothing lacking, Amen.

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In a short time, you will have had numerous people pray to God, for each other.

So sit back and watch the power of God working in your life. 🙏

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