
Monday, May 3, 2021

Prayer to Our Lady of the Expectation

“Do not marvel at the novelty of the thing, if a Virgin gives birth to God.”

~Saint Jerome, Father and Doctor of the Church

“How often in these situations must Mary have returned inwardly to the hour when God’s angel had spoken to her, pondering afresh the greeting: ‘Rejoice, full of grace!’ and the consoling words: ‘Do not be afraid!’ The angel departs; her mission remains, and with it matures her inner closeness to God, a closeness that in her heart she is able to see and touch.” ~Pope Benedict XVI

“Him whom the heavens cannot contain, the womb of one woman bore. She ruled our Ruler; she carried Him in whom we are; she gave milk to our Bread.”

~St. Augustine

Prayer to Our Lady of the Expectation

“Heavenly Mother, Mother expecting; and Mother bearing Christ in your holy womb! Shower thy blessings on us who venerate thee. Protect us from the treacherous Satan. Shelter us in the tabernacle of thy womb.

O Holy womb that bore our Lord Jesus Christ! Mold us as expected by your beloved Son. Let our families inculcate good virtues. Let thy peace fill our families. Let faithfulness be strengthened among couples. Let the voice of vocation be heard and answered. Let wisdom, understanding and knowledge be implanted in our children.

Bless us with employment and industrial development. Bless us with good rain, agricultural growth and decent shelter. Bless us with the gift of Children. Bless pregnant mothers with safe delivery. Bless our journeys with safety and bless us with a burden-less life.

Bless all those who have lost their spouse. Bless the orphans and the destitute, physically challenged and the socially afflicted; the poor and helpless.

Let the priests and the religious lead a holy life. Let there be peace in the world. Let love for mankind, solidarity among religions and justice be established. Make us depend on Jesus Christ in our day to day life as you expect and may we say ‘Yes’ to God’s Holy Will. Lord! Like the holy seeping blood which gushed out from the cross, Bless and make us Holy and faithful to you as we wait  for you in the life to come.


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