
Thursday, September 23, 2021

Saint Padre Pio


Today, September 23, 2021, we celebrate the feast of the beautiful soul, Saint Padre Pio. He was gifted with all the wounds of the stigmata, was a mystic, was reported to have been able to bilocate and was a wonderful healer. Spending hours upon hours in the confession, he was able to tell people who came to him, what their sins were, to help them release them, before they even said anything to him. Padre Pio is a saint that is just so needed in our world today to turn to, because of his beautiful example of charity, love for those he felt were his "spiritual children" and of course, last but absolutely never least, his love of Jesus and Mary.
He is a powerful intercessor, who is healing, protective and very close to God. He is quoted as saying:
“I love my Spiritual Children as much as my own soul, and even more.”
“To my Spiritual Children, my prayers for you will never be lacking.”
If one of my spiritual children ever goes astray, I shall leave my flock and seek him out.”
“I shall stand at the gates of Paradise until all my spiritual children have entered.”
“Once I take a soul on, I also take on their entire family as my spiritual children.”


O Saint Padre Pio, holy bearer of the Wounds of Christ, accept us this day as your spiritual sons and daughters and keep us always on the narrow path by your intercession. And do thou, O our Spiritual Father, stay there at the Gates of Heaven until all of your spiritual children have entered through, even and including us. Through Christ our Lord, Amen.

Dear Padre Pio, I recall your promise to the Lord, “Lord, I will stand at the gates of heaven until I see all my spiritual children have entered.” Encouraged by your gracious promise, I ask you to accept me as a spiritual child and to intercede for my prayer requests (Here state your petitions) Glory be to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit, now and forever.
Padre Pio, Pray for us!

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