
Friday, March 18, 2022

Acts of Faith ,Hope and Love

Act of Faith ✝️

O my God!

I firmly believe all the sacred truths

which your holy Catholic Church

believes and teaches,

because you, the infallible Truth,

have revealed them.

O Jesus, increase my faith.

Act of Hope ✝️

O my God!

Relying upon your goodness

and promises,

I hope to obtain pardon of my sins,

grace to serve you in this world

and life everlasting,

through the merits of Jesus Christ,

my Lord and Redeemer.

O Jesus, strengthen my hope.

Act of ove ✝️

O my God!

I love you above all things

with my whole heart and soul,

because you are infinitely worthy of love;

I love my neighbor as myself,

for the love of you;

I forgive all who have injured me,

and ask pardon of all whom I have injured,

O Jesus, inflame my love.


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