
Friday, March 4, 2022

Prayer to Saint Joseph for all the Priests and Religious

" O GLORIOUS SAINT JOSEPH, you were chosen by God to be the foster father of JESUS, the most pure spouse of MARY, ever Virgin, and the head of the Holy Family. You have been chosen by Christ's Vicar as the heavenly Patron and Protector of the Church founded by Christ.

Protect the Sovereign Pontiff and all bishops and priests united with him. Be the protector of all who labour for souls amid the trials and tribulations of this life; and grant that all peoples of the world may be docile to the Church without which there is no salvation.

Dear Saint Joseph, accept the offering I make to you. Be my father, protector, and guide in the way of salvation. Obtain for me purity of heart and a love for the spiritual life. After your example, let all my actions be directed to the greater glory of God, in union with the SACRED HEART OF JESUS, the IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY, and your own paternal heart. Finally, pray for me that I may share in the peace and joy of your holy death. Amen. "

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