
Sunday, July 17, 2022


Last night, I had a dream from our Lord. In the dream, I was reaching out to a group of people and was saying to them over and over, “Break all agreements you have made with the realms of darkness that would connect yourself to it!"

It's very important to break whatever agreements we may have made with the enemy and his lies! 

We can make an agreement with the realm of darkness without realising it. Someone may have spoken a word curse over you and when you believed it, an agreement was made. It could be something you have spoken or believed about yourself contrary to God's will for your life. Could have been something you did, such any involvement with New Age practices, yoga, the occult, witchcraft, crystals, horoscopes, sexual sin etc... And have not yet repented and renounced it.

Until something is repented of and renounced, it is an open door, an agreement made with the enemy that connects us to him! The door stays open until that agreement is broken! That means the demons that might have come through the open door have a right to stay! We need all doors shut and give the enemy no right to stay or enter! Amen! 

Recently someone spoke word curses over me, I listened but did not take what she said about my health as the truth. When I got home, I severed any ungodly soul ties from this person, there was none and brought every word she said under the blood! And commanded any demon that may have come because of her words to leave. No demons had come. Holy Spirit said, “Access denied. You did not believe.” Hallelujah!

When I chose in my heart to only receive and agree with the Word of God for my life, I did not believe or receive the words the person spoke over me! Therefore no demon had a right to enter! Glory to God! Access denied, no door was opened! We need to set our hearts to only come into agreement with the Word of God for our lives and for our loved ones! I was healed. 

Anything contrary to God's will for our lives, we don't want it! Especially when it connects us to satan's kingdom! We only come into agreement with God's will for our lives which is the Word of God the Truth, the Way and the Life! Thus keeping all doors shut, ACCESS DENIED! 

Ask Holy Spirit to bring to your mind right now, anything you need to repent of and renounce. Wait on Him.. repent and renounce what He brings to your mind, this will shut any doors that might still be open. An example would be: I repent of reading my horoscopes and renounce all reading of horoscopes. Any agreements I made with the realms of darkness through the reading of horoscopes, I break those agreements! In Jesus name.”


"I repent of ...................... and renounce ............... Any agreements I made with the realms of darkness when I ....................., I break those agreements! In Jesus name.”


Speak this prayer in the authority you have in Jesus. 

“If I have made any agreements with the realms of darkness that would connect me to it or to a person or item, I break those agreements! In the mighty name of Jesus! If any demons came due to any of those agreements, you can't stay! I command you come up and out right now! Quickly and quietly! Go to the abyss from where you cannot return! OUT! In Jesus name! (This is called self deliverance).

If you suddenly coughed, yawned, sighed, tears in the eyes, burped or vomited, a demon left you! Demons can leave with no manifestation. In faith, declare it is done. Then ask Holy Spirit to fill you fresh to overflow! And give Jesus the praise! Hallelujah! 

John 17:17

Sanctify them by Your truth. Your word is truth.

John 8:31-32

Then Jesus said to those Jews who believed Him, "If you abide in My word, you are My disciples indeed. And you shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free."

John 14:6

Jesus said to him, "I am the way, the truth, and the life. No one comes to the Father except through Me.

Psalm 119:105

Your word is a lamp to my feet

And a light to my path.

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