
Monday, August 1, 2022

Prayer of Petitions to Our Blessed Mother Mary

 Prayer of the Repentant 

O Blessed Virgin Mary, Queen of Heaven, The Immaculate Conception, We beg and beseech thee Our Mother, Our Queen, Our Intercessor, Listen to our Plea, to Our Prayers, Our Petitions.  

We as your children ask thee, look not on our unworthy sinfulness,  we hereby acknowledge our sins dear Mother and now ask mercy from God through thee.  

Thou who carried and gave birth to Our Lord Jesus Christ, The Son of God and who is God Himself, into the world, in fulfillment of the scriptures and in acceptance of God The Father’s Will, intercede for us to your Beloved Son Jesus Christ.  

Save us our dear Mother, we beseech thee. Bring us to Him, to Jesus Christ your Son.  Thou who art more Honorable than the Cherubim and more glorious beyond compare than the Seraphim, thou who without corruption bearest God the Word and art the true Theotokos we magnify thee, Blessed Mary most highly favored by God.  Thou who art of the purest heart and of the sincerest and lowly, humble obedience to God’s will, of which could not be done at all by the evil fallen ones because of their pride and arrogance.  It is your humility which became the powerful force to defeat the proud to have brought them their fall and shame.  

We Honor Thee Our dear Mother for thou art most gracious.  You who are most closest to Our Lord God Jesus Christ blessed amongst all  women and of all humanity.  

Pray for us, we who are sinners O dear Mother, mediate and intercede for us to your Son, Our Brother, Our Savior, Our Lord Jesus Christ from this time and most specially at the hour of our last breath on earth. For It is also at that time when we most need you and ask the protection of St. Michael the Archangel, The Holy Hosts of Heaven together with our guardian angel.

I ask this for the repentance and conversion of all sinners in the whole world specially in my family; the return of justice, dignity, humility and truth in society and the end of violence and war. We ask and entrust these unto thee our Mother Mary.

O Blessed Mary Queen of Heaven, Please make our hearts humble and obedient to God’s Will like innocent little children, O Mary our Loving Holy Mother, so that through this we may be able to imitate thy holiness and be like to thee and to Thy Son Jesus Christ to be ever worthy to receive eternally the graces from Our Almighty Lord God Most High.  May God be forever glorified.


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