
Friday, September 2, 2022

Saint Giles Patron of the Disabled and Poor Feasday September 1


Saint of the Day September 1

Saint Giles

Saint Giles, also known as Giles the Hermit, was a hermit or monk active in the lower Rhône most likely in the 6th century. Revered as a saint, his cult became widely diffused but his hagiography is mostly legendary. Wikipedia
Born: 650 AD, Athens, Greece
Died: 710 AD, Saint-Gilles, France
Full name: Giles
Place of burial: Abbatiale Saint-Gilles du Gard, Saint-Gilles, France
Feast: 1 September
Canonized: Pre-Congregation
Attributes: arrow; crosier; hermitage; hind


Grant, we beseech You, O Lord, that the prayers of Your holy Abbot, St. Giles, may commend us unto You. May we, who have no power to help ourselves, by his advocacy, find favor in Your sight. We pray for healing for all those who struggle with disability and discomfort of any kind, as well as for the homeless, beggars, and outcasts of this world. Through the intercession of St. Giles, stretch forth Your hand and bring them the healing, peace, and joy of Your Kingdom, where the last shall be first. In Jesus’ name we pray. Amen. (September 1st is the Feast Day of St. Giles, the Patron Saint of the disabled and poor.)

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