
Monday, May 15, 2023

Prayer For Virtues To Grow in Holiness

 Grow in Holiness Through this Prayer of Virtues by Saint Thomas Aquinas
If you want to grow in holiness try praying for virtues with this beautiful and humble prayer asking God for assistance by Saint Thomas Aquinas. He is one of the great teachers of the Church, and has been honored with the titles Doctor of the Church and Angelic Doctor.

Grow in Holiness with the Help of God
If you want to grow in holiness you must do two things, work at it, and ask for it. Praying for virtues is important in receiving grace to overcome your sinful habits. But you must also know what the Church teaches about virtue and try to amend your life for love of God and practice living virtuously. On our own we can never hope to change ourselves, but it is through the grace of God that we are able to grow in holiness. Try praying for virtues with this beautiful and humble prayer asking God for assistance by Saint Thomas Aquinas. He is a wonderful resource for us to learn about growing in virtue, and his many writings can teach us about our faith.

A Prayer to Acquire the Virtues by Saint Thomas Aquinas

O God, all-powerful and all-knowing,

without beginning and without end,

You Who are the source,

the sustainer,

and the rewarder of all virtues,

Grant that I may abide on the firm ground of faith,

be sheltered by an impregnable shield of hope,

and be adorned in the bridal garment of charity.

Grant that I may through justice be subject to You,

through prudence avoid the beguilements of the devil,

through temperance exercise restraint,

and through fortitude endure adversity with patience.

Grant that whatever good things I have,

I may share generously with those who have not

and that whatever good things I do not have,

I may request humbly from those who do.

Grant that I may judge rightly

the evil of the wrongs I have done

and bear calmly

the punishments I have brought upon myself,

and that I may never envy my neighbor’s possessions

and ever give thanks for Your good things.

Grant that I may always observe modesty in the way I dress,

the way I walk,

and the gestures I use,

restrain my tongue from frivolous talk,

prevent my feet from leading me astray,

keep my eyes from wandering glances,

shelter my ears from rumors,

lower my gaze in humility,

lift my mind to thoughts of heaven,

contemn all that will pass away,

and love You only.

Grant that I may subdue my flesh

and cleanse my conscience,

honor the saints and praise You worthily,

advance in goodness,

and end a life of good works with a holy death.

Plant deep in me, Lord,

all the virtues,

that I might be devout in divine matters,

discerning in human affairs,

and burdensome to no one in fulfilling my own bodily needs.

Grant to me, Lord,

fervent contrition,

pure confession,

and complete reparation.

Order me inwardly

through a good life,

that I might do what is right

and what will be meritorious for me

and a good example for others.

Grant that I may never crave to do things impulsively,

nor disdain to do what is burdensome,

lest I begin things before I should

or abandon them before finishing.


I am all Thine Lord Jesus and all that I have is Thine through the Immaculate Heart of Mary. Amen

About Saint Thomas Aquinas

Born in 1225, Saint Thomas Aquinas was an Italian Dominican friar, philosopher, and Catholic priest. He is also honored as a Doctor of the Church. Thomas Aquinas has written extensively on how one can grow in holiness and on prayer. His works on faith and reason are invaluable resources for Christians. He is an immensely influential philosopher and theologian.

Saint Thomas Aquinas has many theological works and prayers that have enriched the faithful for nearly a millennia. During his life of nearly 50 years he had a deep profound love of Christ and worked to grow in holiness himself by praying for virtues and living the gospel teachings with discipline.

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