
Monday, June 19, 2023

Jesus, Teach Me To Forgive

Loving Jesus,

You who have shown us the way of forgiveness through your own example on the cross, I come before you with a humble and contrite heart, seeking your guidance and strength. Teach me, dear Lord, the true meaning of forgiveness.

You, who willingly embraced suffering and endured the weight of our sins, forgive me for the times I have held onto anger, resentment, and grudges. Help me to release these burdens and let go of the pain that binds my heart.

Grant me the wisdom to see others through your compassionate eyes, understanding that they too are flawed and in need of your mercy. Help me to recognize that forgiveness is not condoning or forgetting the wrongdoing but rather choosing to let go of the hurt and entrusting justice into your hands.

Lord, I acknowledge that forgiveness is not always easy, and at times it may seem impossible. But with your grace and strength, I know that all things are possible. Fill me with your Holy Spirit, so that I may find the courage to forgive those who have wronged me, just as you have forgiven me.

Teach me to be patient and understanding, to offer love and compassion even to those who have hurt me deeply. Help me to break the cycle of resentment and vengeance, and to replace it with the healing power of forgiveness.

May forgiveness be a transformative force in my life, restoring relationships, bringing inner peace, and fostering reconciliation. Through forgiving others, may I experience the freedom that comes from embracing your divine mercy.

Lord Jesus, as I strive to forgive, grant me the grace to seek reconciliation where possible and to work towards healing the wounds that have caused division. Give me the strength to extend forgiveness not just once, but as often as necessary, following your example of unlimited love and mercy.

I surrender my hurts, my pain, and my desire for revenge into your loving hands. Help me to live out the prayer you taught us, "forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us."

In your holy and compassionate name, I pray.


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