
Tuesday, December 12, 2023


Oh, Our Lady of Guadalupe, radiant and compassionate Mother,
I kneel before you with a heart full of hope and a special intention to impart.
Wrap me in the mantle of your love, as you did with Juan Diego,
And carry my prayers to the throne of your divine Son.

In the folds of your miraculous image, may my supplications find favor,
Asking for guidance, strength, and blessings upon this heartfelt endeavor.
With roses of grace, may you intercede for me, dear Mother,
That my intentions align with the divine will and unfold under your watchful gaze.

Empower me with the fortitude to face challenges, and the wisdom to discern,
Illuminate the path ahead, as you did on Tepeyac's sacred hill, so stern.
Oh, Guadalupe, Star of the New Evangelization, shine your light,
Guide me through shadows, and grant solace in moments of doubt.

Blessed Mother, with humility, I lay my plea at your feet,
Knowing that your maternal care is boundless and sweet.
May my special intention find resonance in the melody of your grace,
As I place my trust in your hands, seeking solace in your embrace. Amen.

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