
Monday, December 24, 2018


It’s important for everyone to open their eyes and see what’s going on slowly in this world. We just seem to ignore what’s going on because it’s easier that way. We don’t talk about it because we are scared of what people might say or think about us. I know it’s hard because we don’t want weird looks. But, if you love God, then spread his truth boldly but in a way that is loving. Jesus said in the Bible if we witness to others they may turn way from you and you may become a mockery just like what happened to Jesus. But that doesn’t mean to not do it. Your heart and mind must be right if you love God. We will all stand before him. Everyone. It’s important that we are saved and seek God for truth. His spirit is the only one that can lead you. No other. Most of us just go on and focus on the enjoyment that the world has to offer and follow what everyone else is doing. They will not help us go to heaven or improve our relationship with Him. Do we make time to seek God and have a relationship him? Or do we just think about Him when we are going through something. Going to church everyday will not save you. Quoting bible verses in your head will not save you. In fact, just calling on him once in a while will not. It has to be a real relationship. We should always be communicating to Him constantly, reading His word, and asking Him to help understand the truth in his word. Not waiting for a pastor or priest to do it for us. They are human. The Holy Spirit must lead you into it. I wanted to share this with everyone and offer what I have to say. I care for everyone’s souls and well being and hope everyone can see the real God. So turn away from whatever is leading you the wrong way. If you truly seek God in your heart, not emotionally but mindfully, repent (turn away) and do not fall back into old and sinful habits. Be true in your relationship with God. Having. a personally relationship with my creator is the best thing that has happened to me. God bless everyone and have a blessed day. ❤️🙏🏻

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