
Monday, December 24, 2018


Since we are so little (incapable, incompetent . . . really: nothing), we are in need of help. Thankfully, we have been given free access to all the help we need. We have been given the wondrous gift of a Mother who is completely kind, ever merciful, and all-powerful with God. God clearly foresaw our ineptitude to walk on the Way (which is Christ) to our Goal (our Father in Heaven), and so He has given us His Mother to be our own Mother, so that she (who is so filled with the Holy Spirit) may embrace us in our weakness and carry us along. Truly, she is the Mediatrix of all Graces, mediating the Grace of God to us her little ones.
Perhaps an analogy could help this truth to sink deeper into our hearts. In my growing up family, my dad was the “breadwinner.” My mom, though, was completely free—and even encouraged—to withdraw from their joint bank account any amount she wanted, for whatever purpose she wanted.
“If you ever feel distressed during your day—call upon our Lady—just say this simple
 prayer: ‘Mary, Mother of Jesus, please be a mother to me now.’ I must admit—this 
prayer has never failed me.”   —Blessed Mother Teresa of Calcutta"

 My father trusted her completely; they were a team. We could apply this to our Lord and our
 Blessed Mother Mary. They are “co-signers” on the “Heavenly Bank Account” (the Graces of Redemption). Our Lady is free—and even encouraged by our Lord—to “withdraw” and distribute Graces and Blessings as she sees fit, to help us on our journey to our true Home: Heaven. And
the Grace she is most particularly pleased to grant, to those who humbly request it of her, is a
deeper union and a closer intimacy with the Sacred Heart of her Son Jesus, who is truly present
in the Eucharist.
Sweet Blessed Virgin Mary, I turn to you as your very poor little child, weak and wounded in 
many ways, asking your compassionate assistance. I trust that our Merciful Lord will not 
deny you anything . . . especially since you never denied Him anything! Therefore, I 
humbly yet confidently lay before you all my needs and concerns. In particular, I give 
you this burden which weighs so heavily upon my heart: ________________. Thank 
you in advance, dear Mother, for hearing this prayer and answering it. Please help me to 
continue to grow in my trust in your powerful intercession, and the Lord’s tender Love, 
which is manifested in a particular way through the gift He gave us of YOU!
—By Fr. Francis of the Redeemer

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