Collections of Catholic Prayers and inspirations for everyone who needs it anytime. Pray Unceasingly! Let Go With God! Catholic Prayers Are Oasis Of Graces!
Friday, December 15, 2023
Tuesday, December 12, 2023
Thursday, December 7, 2023
Auxilium Christianorum: A Beacon of Support for the Faithful
While listening to a Fr. Chad Ripperger video, I heard about Auxilium Christianorum, a Roman Catholic prayer association. In the video, Fr. Ripperger, a priest and exorcist, spoke highly of this association. I wanted to learn more about it; and I am presenting what I learned as today’s post.
In the vast tapestry of Christian spirituality, various movements and organizations have emerged to provide support, guidance, and fellowship for believers seeking to deepen their faith. One such entity is the Auxilium Christianorum, a community dedicated to fostering spiritual growth and offering assistance through prayer and devotion. In this blog post, we'll explore the origins, mission, and significance of the Auxilium Christianorum.
The Auxilium Christianorum, Latin for "Help of Christians," traces its roots to a deep desire among the faithful to unite in prayer and support for one another. Founded with the intention of invoking the intercession of the Blessed Virgin Mary and the holy angels, this movement seeks to create a spiritual army to combat the challenges faced by Christians in their journey of faith.
Mission and Objectives:
The primary mission of the Auxilium Christianorum is to provide spiritual support for its members through a collective commitment to prayer and devotion. Members are encouraged to engage in specific prayers and rituals aimed at invoking the intercession of heavenly beings, particularly the Blessed Virgin Mary, St. Michael the Archangel, and the guardian angels.
The organization emphasizes the importance of spiritual warfare, viewing the Christian life as a constant battle against the forces of darkness. Through united prayer, members seek protection, guidance, and strength to overcome spiritual challenges and temptations.
The first:
to provide prayer for priests associated with Auxilium Christianorum so that their apostolate in driving out demons is efficacious.
And, two:
To provide prayers for the members – priests, laity, family and friends – so that they are not adversely affected by the demonic.
Central to the Auxilium Christianorum's practices are specific prayers and devotions that members undertake individually or as a community. The Rosary, Novenas, and prayers to St. Michael the Archangel are integral components of their spiritual arsenal. These rituals are designed not only to seek divine assistance but also to foster a sense of unity among believers, creating a powerful network of intercessory prayer.
The Church teaches us that it is divided into the Church Triumphant (which includes the members of the Church in heaven), the Church Suffering (this includes the members of the Church in purgatory), and the Church Militant (this refers to those members of the Church who are alive in this world). Because we are part of the Church Militant, we are in a spiritual warfare and this spiritual warfare requires that we recognize, as Saint Paul teaches us “For our wrestling is not against flesh and blood; but against principalities and powers, against the rulers of the world of this darkness, against the spirits of wickedness in the high places.” (Ephesians 6:12)
The members of the Auxilium Christianorum should always bear in mind the reality of our state as members of the Church living in this world. Despite St. Paul’s teaching, many Catholics do not take seriously their obligation to wage war against the demonic forces. It is for this reason the Association of the Auxilium Christianorum was founded.
The requirements for membership are:
1. Prior to becoming a member of the Auxilium Christianorum, the layman is strongly exhorted to consult his spiritual director or confessor.
2. They are to seek to lead a habitual life of sanctifying grace, always desiring never to fall into the state of mortal sin and to avoid all intentional venial sin.
3. The members are to continually seek to increase and to perfect their life of prayer which includes not only the vocal prayers which are required (see Prayers section) but also a consistent life of meditation which is very effective in driving out the demonic and avoiding demonic oppression.
4.To pray the rosary daily. The intention of the rosary may be for any intention and does not have to be offered for the aims of the Auxilium Christianorum.
5. The members are to fulfill the daily vocal prayer requirements, having as their intention the principal aims of this Association. The members are to make frequent use of the sacramentals known to ward off and drive out the demonic.
6. The members are to strive to keep the words of Saint Paul in their hearts that since we fight against principalities and powers, i.e. against the demonic, they are to strive for meekness and humility in relationship to their neighbor, never striking out in anger or vindication but seeking to root out any demonic influence according to their state in life. This involves using binding prayers according to authentic Catholic principle and to avoid any form of superstition, whether that is in the daily living of their lives or when they engage in battle against the evil spirits. This means that their use of the Association prayers, or any prayers to drive out the demonic, will always be subordinate to authentic Catholic principle and always be done with devotion and faith.
7. The members must strive to increase their devotion to Our Lady under the title of Virgo Potens (Virgin Most Powerful).
8. Each member must strive to increase his devotion to his Guardian Angel.
9. When it is financially possible, each member of the Auxilium Christianorum is to keep a statue of Our Lady and Saint Michael in his home, before which a votive candle is to be burned.
Significance in the Modern Christian Landscape:
In a world marked by increasing secularism and moral challenges, movements like the Auxilium Christianorum provide a spiritual anchor for believers. The sense of community and shared devotion helps individuals navigate the complexities of modern life with a deepened faith and strengthened resolve.
The Auxilium Christianorum serves as a reminder that the Christian journey is not meant to be walked alone. By joining this movement, believers can find solace, encouragement, and a sense of purpose in their spiritual endeavors. The emphasis on spiritual warfare acknowledges the reality of the unseen battles that believers face, highlighting the importance of staying vigilant and seeking divine assistance.
The Auxilium Christianorum stands as a beacon of support and solidarity in the realm of Christian spirituality. Through its emphasis on collective prayer, devotion, and spiritual warfare, it offers believers a unique avenue to strengthen their faith and face the challenges of the contemporary world with resilience. As Christians continue their pilgrimage of faith, movements like the Auxilium Christianorum serve as a testament to the enduring power of communal prayer and the intercession of heavenly beings in the lives of believers.
Friday, December 1, 2023
Thursday, November 30, 2023
By St. John Paul II
Immaculate Heart! Help us to conquer the menace of evil, which so easily takes root in the hearts of the people of today, and whose immeasurable effects already weigh down upon our modern world and seem to block the paths towards the future!From famine and war, deliver us.
From nuclear war, from incalculable self-destruction, from every kind of war, deliver us.
From sins against the life of man from its very beginning, deliver us.
From hatred and from the demeaning of the dignity of the children of God, deliver us.
From every kind of injustice in the life of society, both national and international, deliver us.
From readiness to trample on the commandments of God, deliver us.
From attempts to stifle in human hearts the very truth of God, deliver us.
From the loss of awareness of good and evil, deliver us.
From sins against the Holy Spirit, deliver us, deliver us.
Accept, O Mother of Christ, this cry laden with the sufferings of all individual human beings, laden with the sufferings of whole societies.
Help us with the power of the Holy Spirit to conquer all sin: individual sin and the "sin of the world", sin in all its manifestations.
Let there be revealed, once more, in the history of the world the infinite saving power of the Redemption: the power of merciful Love! May it put a stop to evil! May it transform consciences! May your Immaculate Heart reveal for all the light of Hope!
- Saint John Paul II, Consecration of all Individuals and Peoples of the World to the Immaculate Heart of Mary, 1984
Saint Andrew Prayer: Christmas Novena
Wednesday, November 22, 2023
SAINT CECILIA, Patron of Musicians
The Litany of Trust (by The Sister of Life)
The Litany of Trust
Monday, November 13, 2023
The Divine Mercy Chaplet is a beautiful and profound prayer that allows us to reflect on God's infinite mercy and seek His compassion. Whether you are facing challenges, seeking guidance, or simply want to deepen your connection with Jesus, this prayer offers a sacred space for reflection and healing.
To join us, simply click the video above. Feel free to invite your friends, family, and anyone else who may benefit from this powerful prayer experience.
Let us unite in prayer, embracing the mercy that knows no bounds and trusting in the love that redeems and restores. We look forward to praying with you and creating a sacred moment together.
Thursday, November 9, 2023
Jeremiah 29:11 is a verse from the Old Testament of the Bible, specifically from the book of Jeremiah. It is often quoted and cherished by many for its message of hope and assurance from God. The verse goes as follows:
"For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future."
This verse is part of a letter that the prophet Jeremiah sent to the exiled Israelites in Babylon. In this letter, God is assuring the Israelites that, despite their current circumstances of being in exile, God has a plan for them. It conveys the idea that God's intentions for his people are positive and filled with hope.
Here are some key points of understanding regarding Jeremiah 29:11:
God's Knowledge: The verse begins with "For I know the plans I have for you." This indicates that God has full knowledge of the future and what lies ahead for His people.
Positive Intentions: God's plans for His people are positive and intended for their well-being. He desires to "prosper" them and not to harm them.
Hope and a Future: The verse promises that God's plans include giving His people hope and a future. It reassures them that there is a better future in store, despite their current hardships.
Many people find comfort and encouragement in this verse, especially during challenging times, as it reminds them that God has a purpose and a plan for their lives, and that this plan is ultimately for their good. It is often used as a source of inspiration and hope for a better tomorrow.
Here's a prayer inspired by the message of Jeremiah 29:11:
Heavenly Father,
I come before you with gratitude in my heart, for I know that you are a God who knows the plans you have for me. Your word in Jeremiah 29:11 reminds me of your unwavering love and your desire for my well-being. You have promised plans to prosper me and not to harm me, plans to give me hope and a future.
In the midst of life's challenges and uncertainties, I find solace in your promise. I pray that you help me trust in your divine plan, even when I cannot fully understand it. Give me the strength to remain patient and steadfast, knowing that your timing is perfect.
Guide my steps, Lord, and help me align my life with your purpose. Grant me wisdom, discernment, and a heart open to your leading. May I find hope in your promises and assurance in your love.
As I move forward in life, I place my future in your hands, knowing that you are the source of all hope and that you will lead me to the path you have prepared for me. Help me to remember that your plans are always good and that you are with me every step of the way.
In Jesus' name, I pray. Amen.
Thursday, October 26, 2023
Saint Michael Prayer
Michael, as you point out, was never a human being. Like the other angels, he was created by God as a pure spirit — with intellect and will, but no physical body. The word “saint,” though, is derived from the Latin meaning “one who is holy,” and the holiness of Michael has long been recognized by the church.
Michael the Archangel, whom the faithful have long looked to for protection in times of peril. The patron of the military and police forces, St. Michael is a fierce warrior and defender of the children of God.
Times when we struggle to find the words asking for God's help. Turn to St. Michael whenever going through a “battle” of your own. Ask him to intercede on your behalf and protect you.
The sword and shield are used today to represent a cutting of cords or energies that no longer serve and protecting us from harm. Michael can help in healing and repairing our energies where trauma, grief, past lives or karmic debts are holding us back from our true potential in this life.
St. Michael promised that whoever would practice this devotion in his honor would have, when approaching Holy Communion, an escort of nine angels chosen from each of the nine Choirs.
Monday, October 9, 2023
A Prayer Against Financial Curses
A Prayer Against Financial Curses
Friday, October 6, 2023
Monday, October 2, 2023
Archangel Michael:
"Archangel Michael, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the wickedness and snares of the devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray, and do thou, O Prince of the heavenly hosts, by the power of God, cast into hell Satan and all the evil spirits who prowl about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen."
Archangel Gabriel:
"Archangel Gabriel, you are the messenger of God, who brought the good news of the birth of Jesus. We ask for your guidance and support in our lives. Help us to be messengers of love, hope, and joy. Amen."
Archangel Raphael:
"Archangel Raphael, the divine healer, we seek your assistance in times of physical, emotional, and spiritual healing. Guide us to the remedies and resources that will restore our well-being. Amen."
You can use these prayers to seek the intercession and assistance of these archangels in your life.
Prayers To Invoke the Intercession of Archangels Michael, Gabriel, Raphael
Sunday, September 24, 2023
Prayer for the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Prayer for the Seven Gifts of the Holy Spirit
Friday, September 22, 2023
SAINT PADRE PIO - Feast Day/ Healing Prayer
The Divine Mercy Chaplet is a profound Christian prayer that has been cherished by millions around the world. It is a devotional practice rooted in the message of God's boundless mercy, as revealed to Saint Faustina Kowalska, a Polish nun and mystic in the early 20th century.
This prayer is a beautiful and heartfelt way to seek God's mercy, offer thanksgiving, and intercede for the needs of others. The Divine Mercy Chaplet can be prayed using Rosary beads or by counting on your fingers, making it accessible to people of all backgrounds and ages.
The chaplet consists of simple yet powerful prayers, including the "Our Father," the "Hail Mary," and a special invocation: "Eternal Father, I offer you the Body and Blood, Soul and Divinity of Your dearly beloved Son, Our Lord Jesus Christ, in atonement for our sins and those of the whole world."
During the recitation of these prayers, we meditate on the passion and sacrifice of Jesus Christ, trusting in His infinite mercy and love. The Divine Mercy Chaplet is often prayed for personal intentions, healing, forgiveness, and peace.
Join us in this spiritual journey of invoking God's mercy, for as Saint Faustina conveyed, "Jesus, I trust in You." It is an invitation to experience the depth of God's love and to share that love with the world.
So, whether you're new to this prayer or a long-time devotee, we invite you to join us in the Divine Mercy Chaplet, a prayer that reminds us of the extraordinary mercy that God offers to all who seek it.
Let's begin our prayerful journey together. 🙏🌟 and share to your family and friends. God bless you.
Thursday, September 21, 2023
Novena to ST. MICHAEL, the Archangel
Say this Novena Prayer for 9 consecutive days
Novena to ST. GABRIEL, the Archangel
Say this Novena Prayer for 9 consecutive days
Novena to ST. RAPHAEL, the Archangel
Say this Novena Prayer for 9 consecutive days
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