Meditations for the 5 Glorious Mysteries of the Rosary
A thought is suggested for each of the 10 Hail Marys in each decade. Some people find it helpful simply to gaze at a picture depicting the mystery. The Glorious Mysteries are usually prayed on Wednesdays, Saturdays and Sundays.
The 1st Glorious Mystery
I. Resurrection
- Christ rises from the dead.
- The women go to the tomb.
- An Angel descends to roll back the stone.
- The tomb is found empty.
- The Angels announce the Resurrection.
- Jesus appears to Mary Magdalen.
- The Apostles doubt the women's word.
- Peter and John find the cloths in the tomb.
- Jesus joins the disciples going to Emmaus.
- Jesus appears to the Apostles.
II. The Ascension
- He shows Himself for forty days to the apostles and disciples, at one time to more than 500 brethren.
- Jesus sends the Apostles to preach the Gospel.
- He commands them not to leave Jerusalem, but to await the coming of the Holy Ghost.
- In the presence of the apostles and disciples, a cloud receives Jesus out of their sight.
- The Angels reassure the them and promise Christ's return.
- Mary is filled with joy.
- Jesus leads the Saints into Heaven.
- Jesus sits at the right hand of the Father.
- He intercedes for us to the Father.
- The disciples return to the Upper Room to pray and await the Holy Ghost.
III. The Descent of the Holy Ghost
- The disciples persevere in prayer with Mary.
- Matthias is chosen to take the place of Judas.
- The sound of a mighty wind fills the Cenacle.
- Tongues of fire rest on the disciples.
- The disciples are filled with the Holy Spirit.
- The Apostles preach to the people about Christ.
- The people are filled with wonder because each hears the Apostles speaking in his own tongue.
- Peter preaches that Christ is the Messias and that He rose from the dead.
- About three thousand souls accepted the Apostles' word and were baptized that day.
- Through the Apostles we receive the Holy Ghost.
IV. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin
- Mary longs to see her Son.
- Soon she is to be reunited with Him in Heaven.
- The Apostles come to see Mary before she dies.
- They are heartbroken that she is to leave them.
- Mary consoles and strengthens each of the Apostles.
- Her love for her Son is so great that her body can no longer contain her soul.
- She dies in peace and great joy.
- Mary is laid to rest.
- Mary is assumed into Heaven and is received joyously in Heaven.
- The Apostles find the tomb empty.
V. The Coronation of Our Blessed Mother
- Jesus crowns Mary Queen of Heaven.
- She is enthroned at the right hand of Jesus.
- Mary is seen crowned with twelve stars.
- The Angels and Saints praise her.
- The faithful on earth praise her.
- Mary intercedes for us with her Son.
- Jesus cannot refuse the prayers of His Holy Mother.
- St. Joseph reigns with Jesus and Mary.
- The day of Judgment approaches.
- The Church longs for heaven.