Showing posts with label Litany. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Litany. Show all posts

Friday, October 6, 2023



Lord, have mercy on us. 
Christ, have mercy on us. 
Lord, have mercy on us. 
Christ, hear us. 
Christ, graciously hear us. 
God the Father of Heaven, Have mercy on us. 
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, Have mercy on us. 
God the Holy Ghost, Have mercy on us. 
Holy Trinity, One God, Have mercy on us.

Holy Mary, conceived without sin, Pray for us. 
Holy Mother of God, Pray for us. 
Mother of Christ, etc. 
Mother of Our Saviour Crucified, 
Mother most Sorrowful, 
Mother most tearful, 
Mother most afflicted, 
Mother most lonely, 
Mother most desolate, 
Mother pierced by the sword of sorrow, 
Queen of Martyrs, 
Comfort of the sorrowful, 
Help of the needy, 
Protectress of the forsaken, 
Support of widows and orphans, 
Health of the sick, 
Hope of the troubled, 
Haven of the ship-wrecked, 
Refuge of sinners, 
Hope of the despairing, 
Mother of mercy, 

Through thy poverty in the stable of Bethlehem, 
Through thy sorrow at the prophecy of Simeon, 
Through thy sad flight into Egypt, 
Through thy anxiety when seeking thy lost Child, 
Through thy grief when seeing thy Divine Son persecuted, 
Through thy fear and anxiety when Jesus was apprehended, 
Through thy pain caused by the treason of Judas and the denial of Peter, 
Through thy sad meeting with Jesus on the way of the Cross, 
Through the tortures of thy loving Heart at the Crucifixion of Jesus, 
Through thy agony at the death of Jesus, 
Through the sword of sorrow that pierced thy heart when the side of Jesus was transfixed by the lance, 
Through thy lamentations over the dead Body of thy Divine Son lying on thy bosom, 
Through thy deep mourning at His tomb, 
Through thy desolation after the burial of Jesus, 
Through the tears thou didst shed for thy beloved Son, 
Through thy wonderful resignation to the will of God in all thy sufferings, 

O Queen of peace, 
In all our tribulations, 
In our illnesses and pains, 
In our sorrows and afflictions, 
In our need and destitution, 
In our fears and dangers, 
In the hour of our death, 
On the Day of Judgment, 

Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Spare us, O Lord. 
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Graciously hear us, O Lord. 
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world, Have mercy on us, O Lord. 

Pray for us, O Sorrowful Virgin, 
That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ. 

Let Us Pray .

We beseech Thee, O Lord Jesus Christ, let Thy Mother, the Blessed Virgin Mary, whose holy soul was pierced by a sword of sorrow at the hour of Thy passion, implore Thy mercy for us, both now and at the hour of our death, Who livest and reignest, world without end. 

Tuesday, August 22, 2023

Litany of the Holy Angels Taken From Sacred Scripture

 Litany of the Holy Angels Taken From Sacred Scripture: (very long)

Lord have mercy upon us.
Christ have mercy upon us.
Lord have mercy upon us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
O God the Father of Heaven,
Have mercy on us.
O God the Son, Redeemer of the World,
Have mercy on us.
O God the Holy Ghost,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God,
Have mercy on us.
St Michael, Prince of the Heavenly Army,
Pray for us.
Who had a great fight in Heaven with the Dragon and his Angels,
Pray for us.
Who threw the Dragon and his apostate Angels out of heaven,
Pray for us.
Who fought with the devil over the body of
Pray for us.
St Gabriel, who opened to Daniel the divine Vision,
Pray for us.
Who descending into the furnace with Azaria and his companions shook off the flames of fire,
Pray for us.
Who foretold to Zachary the Birth and Ministry of John.
Pray for us.
Who being sent from God to Mary in Nazareth, the Messenger of the Incarnation of Jesus Christ.
Pray for us.
St. Raphael, one of the seven spirits that attend before God,
Pray for us.
Who being a faithful guide to young Tobias, brought him back to safety,
Pray for us.
Who didst repel the Devil from Sara,
Pray for us.
Who didst restore sight to old Tobias,
Pray for us.
Holy Seraphim, which with a fiery coal didst purify the mouth of Isaiah,
Pray for us.
Holy Cherubim, who were appointed to guard the Way of the Tree of Life,
Pray for us.
Who stand upon the high throne of God,
Pray for us.
Who constantly sing to God, Holy, Holy Holy,
Pray for us.
Who in the habit of pilgrims were entertained by Abraham in his House,
Pray for us.
Who struck the Sodomites with blindness,
Pray for us.
Who brought out Lot and his family from amongst the impious Sodomites,
Pray for us.
Who hindered Abraham, after he had shewed his obedience, from offering his only son,
Pray for us.
Who ascended and descended by Jacob's Ladder,
Pray for us.
Who wrestling with Jacob wounded his thigh,
Pray for us.
Who delivered Jacob from all evils,
Pray for us.
Who passing by the houses of the Israelites killed the first-born of the Egyptians,
Pray for us.
Who led the Israelites out of Egypt, through the Red Sea and the wilderness, into the Land of Promise,
Pray for us.
Who delivered to Moses the Law of God,
Pray for us
Who resisted Balaam going to curse the Israelites,
Pray for us.
Who being Chief of God's army wert sent to the assistance of Joshua,
Pray for us.
Who for the sin of David, didst strike with plague seventy thousand people,
Pray for us.
Who procured food for Daniel in the Lion's den,
Pray for us.
Who killed in one night in the camp of the Assyrians, a hundred eighty-five thousand men,
Pray for us.
Who did sharply chastise Heilodorus, when he came to plunder the treasures of the Temple,
Pray for us.
Who did encourage Joseph, when he was fearful of the marriage of the Virgin Mary,
Pray for us.
Who did declare the Nativity of Christ to the Shepherds,
Pray for us.
Who at the birth of our Savior, did sing with joy, Glory to God and peace to men,
Pray for us.
Who didst admonish Joseph to fly into Egypt, with the young Child and his Mother,
Pray for us.
Who did serve Jesus in the wilderness, after He put to flight the Tempter,
Pray for us.
Who did comfort Jesus, when He was in His agony,
Pray for us.
Who did roll the stone from the Sepulcher of
Pray for us.
Who sitting in white at the Sepulcher of Christ, did declare to the women that Christ was risen,
Pray for us.
Who did appear to the Disciples when Christ ascended into heaven,
Pray for us.
Who having taken the Apostles out of prison, did set them in public in the Temple,
Pray for us.
Who did wonderfully deliver Peter from his chains and from the power of Herod,
Pray for us.
Who killed Herod when he assumed divine honor,
Pray for us.
Who did carry Lazarus to Abraham's bosom,
Pray for us.
Who have received from God the care and custody of men.
Pray for us.
Who always see the face of the Father who is in heaven.
Pray for us.
Who rejoice for one sinner that do penance,
Pray for us.
Who are sent as ministering Spirits to help those that shall obtain the inheritance of salvation,
Pray for us.
Who are the Ministers of God to do His Will,
Pray for us.
Who did procure to Cornelius the Centurion the precepts of Salvation by Peter,
Pray for us.
Who carry the petitions of those that pray to God,
Pray for us.
Who will come in judgment with Christ in His majesty.
Pray for us.
Who shall cite all the world with a trumpet to the supreme tribunal,
Pray for us.
Who at the end of the world shall gather together the Elect.
Pray for us.
Who shall separate all scandals from the Kingdom of Christ,
Pray for us.
Who shall gather the wicked from among the just.
Pray for us.
All holy orders of blessed Spirits,
Pray for us.
From all dangers,
By Thy holy Angels deliver us, O Lord
From the snares of the Devil.
By Thy holy Angels deliver us, O Lord
From plague, famine, and war,
By Thy holy Angels deliver us, O Lord
From sudden and unprovided Death,
By Thy holy Angels deliver us, O Lord
We sinners,
Beseech Thee to hear us, O Lord
By Thy holy Angels,
We beseech Thee to hear us, O Lord
That Thou wilt spare us,
We beseech Thee to hear us, O Lord
That Thou wilt vouchsafe to govern and preserve
Thy Church,
We beseech Thee to hear us, O Lord
That Thou wilt vouchsafe to give peace and unity to the whole commonwealth of Christians,
We beseech Thee to hear us, O Lord
That Thou wilt vouchsafe to give eternal rest to all the faithful departed,
We beseech Thee to hear us, O Lord

Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world.
Spare us, O Lord
Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world.
Hear us, O Lord
Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us.

Our Father...
And lead us not into temptation
But deliver us from evil.

-A Psalm taken from various psalms:

Praise the Lord from heaven: praise Him on high
Praise Him, all His Holy Angels: praise Him all His Virtues
Bless the Lord, all ye His Angels, you who are mighty in strength: execute His word, hearkening to His spoken word.
Bless the Lord, all ye his hosts: you ministers of his that do his will.
Bless the Lord, O my soul, and never forget all He hath done for thee.
Who redeemeth thy life from destruction: who crowneth thee with mercy and compassion.
For He hath given His angels charge over thee; to keep thee in all thy ways.
In their hands they shall bear thee up: lest thou
dash thy foot against a stone.
Thou shalt walk upon the asp and the basilisk: and thou shalt trample under foot the lion and the dragon.
The angel of the Lord shall encamp round about them that fear Him: and shall deliver them.
Glory be...

I will sing praise to Thee in the sight of the angels
I will worship at Thy holy temple, and I will give glory to Thy name.
O Lord, hear our prayer.
And let our cry come unto Thee.

O God who in a wonderful order, disposest the services of angels and men; mercifully grant that they who in Heaven always wait Thy orders, may on Earth defend our lives, through Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen.

Sunday, October 31, 2021

Litany Prayers for the Souls

Litany of the Faithful Departed

Lord have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy on us.
Christ have mercy on us.
Christ have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy on us.
Lord have mercy on us.
Christ hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.

God the Father of heaven,
have mercy on the souls of the faithful departed.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
have mercy on the souls of the faithful departed.

God the Holy Ghost,
have mercy on the souls of the faithful departed.

Holy Trinity, one God,
have mercy on the souls of the faithful departed.

Holy Mary,
pray for the souls of the faithful departed.*

Holy Mother of God,*
Holy Virgin of virgins,*
St. Michael,*
All ye angels and archangels,*
All ye orders of blessed spirits,*
St. John the Baptist,*
St. Joseph,*
All ye holy patriarchs and prophets,*
St. Peter,*
St. Paul,*
St. John,*
All ye holy apostles and evangelists,*
St. Stephen,*
St. Lawrence,*
All ye holy martyrs,*
St. Gregory,*
St. Ambrose,*
St. Augustine,*
St. Jerome,*
All ye holy bishops and confessors,*
All ye holy doctors,*
All ye holy priests and levites,*
All ye holy monks and hermits,*
St. Mary Magdalene,*
St. Catherine,*
St. Barbara,*
All ye holy virgins and widows,*
All ye saints of God,*

Be merciful, spare them O Lord.
Be merciful, graciously hear us O Lord.

From all evil,
O Lord, deliver them.**

From Thy wrath,**
From the rigor of Thy justice,**
From the power of the devil,**
From the gnawing worm of conscience,**
From long-enduring sorrow,**
From cruel flames,**
From intolerable cold,**
From horrible darkness,**
From dreadful weeping and wailing,**
Through Thy admirable conception,**
Through Thy Holy Nativity,**
Through Thy most sweet name,**
Through Thy baptism and holy fasting,**
Through Thy most profound humiliation,**
Through Thy prompt obedience,**
Through Thine infinite love,**
Through Thy sorrow and anguish,**
Through Thy bloody sweat,**
Through Thy bonds,**
Through Thy scourging,**
Through Thy crowning with thorns,**
Through Thy carrying of the cross,**
Through Thy most cruel death,**
Through Thy five holy wounds,**
Through Thy most bitter cross and passion,**
Through Thy holy Resurrection,**
Through Thine admirable Ascension,**
Through the coming of the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete,**
In the day of judgement,**

We sinners,
we beseech Thee, hear us.***

Thou Who forgavest Magdalen and didst hearken to the prayer of the thief,***

Thou Who savest freely Thine elect,***

Thou Who hast the keys of death and hell,***

That Thou wouldst be pleased to deliver the souls of our parents, relations, friends, and benefactors from the pains of hell,***

That Thou wouldst be pleased to have mercy on those whom no special remembrance is made on earth,***

That Thou wouldst be pleased to grant them all the pardon and remission of their sins,***

That Thou wouldst be pleased to fulfill all their desires,***

That Thou wouldst be pleased to recieve them into the company of the blessed,***

King of awful Majesty,***

Son of God,***

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
Grant unto them rest.

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
Grant unto them rest.

Lamb of God, who takest away the sins of the world,
Grant unto them rest everlasting.

Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
Lord, have mercy.
Christ, have mercy.
Lord, have mercy.
From the gates of hell,
Deliver their souls, O Lord.
O Lord hear my prayer.
And let my cry come unto thee.

Let us pray

O God, the Creator and Redeemer of all faithful, grant unto the souls of Thy servants departed the remission of all their sins; that, by pious supplication, they may obtain that pardon which they have always desired. Grant this, O God, Who livest and reignest for ever and ever. Amen.

O eternal God, Who besides the general precept of charity, hast commanded a particular respect to parents, kindred, and benefactors, grant, we beseech Thee, that, as they were the instruments by which Thy Providence bestowed on us our birth, education, and innumerable other blessings, so our prayers may be the means to obtain for them a speedy release from their excessive sufferings, and free admittance to Thine infinite joys. Through Christ Our Lord. Amen.

Eternal rest give unto them, O Lord. And let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.

Thursday, May 6, 2021

Litany of the Most Precious Blood of Our Lord Jesus Christ

 Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Christ, have mercy. Christ, have mercy.

Lord, have mercy. Lord, have mercy.

Christ, hear us. Christ, hear us.

Christ, graciously hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.

God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.

God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.

God, the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.

Holy Trinity, One God, have mercy on us.

Blood of Christ, only-begotten Son of the eternal Father, save us.

Blood of Christ, Incarnate Word of God, save us.

Blood of Christ, of the New and Eternal Testament, save us.

Blood of Christ, falling upon the earth in Agony, save us.

Blood of Christ, shed profusely in the Scourging, save us.

Blood of Christ, flowing forth in the Crowning with Thorns, save us.

Blood of Christ, poured out on the Cross, save us. 

Blood of Christ, price of our salvation, save us.

Blood of Christ, without which there is no forgiveness, save us.

Blood of Christ, Eucharistic drink and refreshment of souls, save us.

Blood of Christ, stream of mercy, save us.

Blood of Christ, victor over demons, save us.

Blood of Christ, courage of Martyrs, save us.

Blood of Christ, strength of Confessors, save us.

Blood of Christ, bringing forth Virgins, save us.

Blood of Christ, help of those in peril, save us. 

Blood of Christ, relief of the burdened, save us.

Blood of Christ, solace in sorrow, save us.

Blood of Christ, hope of the penitent, save us.

Blood of Christ, consolation of the dying, save us. 

Blood of Christ, peace and tenderness of hearts, save us.

Blood of Christ, pledge of eternal life, save us.

Blood of Christ, freeing souls from purgatory, save us.

Blood of Christ, most worthy of all glory and honor, save us.

Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world, spare us, O Lord. 

Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world, graciously hear us, O Lord.

Lamb of God, who taketh away the sins of the world, have mercy on us, O Lord.

V. Thou hast redeemed us, O Lord, in Thy Blood.

R. And made us a kingdom for our God.

Almighty and eternal God, Thou hast appointed Thine only-begotten Son the Redeemer of the world and willed to be appeased by his blood. Grant, we beg of Thee, that we may worthily adore this price of our salvation and through its power be safeguarded from the evils of the present life so that we may rejoice in its fruits forever in Heaven. Through the same Christ our Lord. Amen.

Tuesday, April 6, 2021

Litany To The Divine Mercy


Litany to the Divine Mercy

from St. Faustina Kowalska's Diary

Divine Mercy, gushing forth from the bosom of the Father,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, greatest attribute of God,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, incomprehensible mystery,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, fountain gushing forth from the mystery of the Most Blessed Trinity,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, unfathomed by any intellect, human or angelic,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, from which wells forth all life and happiness,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, better than the heavens,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, source of miracles and wonders,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, encompassing the whole universe,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, descending to earth in the Person of the Incarnate Word,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, which flowed out from the open wound of the Heart of Jesus,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, enclosed in the Heart of Jesus for us, and especially for sinners,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, unfathomed in the institution of the Sacred Host,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, in the founding of the Holy Church,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, in the Sacrament of Holy Baptism,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, in our justification through Jesus Christ,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, accompanying us through our whole life,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, embracing us especially at the hour of death,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, endowing us with immortal life,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, accompanying us every moment of our life,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, shielding us from the fire of hell,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, in the conversion of hardened sinners,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, astonishment for Angels, incomprehensible to Saints,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, unfathomed in all the mysteries of God,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, lifting us out of every misery,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, source of our happiness and joy,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, in calling us forth from nothingness to existence,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, embracing all the works of His hands,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, crown of all God's handiwork,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, in which we are all immersed,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, sweet relief for anguished hearts,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, only hope of despairing souls,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, repose of hearts, peace amidst fear,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, delight and ecstasy of holy souls,

I trust in You.

Divine Mercy, inspiring hope against all hope,

I trust in You.

Let us pray:
Eternal God, in whom mercy is endless and the treasury of compassion inexhaustible, look kindly upon us and increase Your mercy in us, that in difficult moments we might not despair nor become despondent, but with great confidence submit ourselves to Your holy will, which is Love and Mercy itself.

Pray the Divine Mercy Chaplet and the Litany to the Divine Mercy 

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Devotion to the Holy Face of Jesus



Devotion of St. Therese of Lisieux


...As requested by Our Lord Jesus Christ. These prayers are to be said on Sundays and the Holy Days of Obligation, publicly (if possible), and preferably before the Blessed Sacrament or before the picture of the Holy Face.

    Dear Lord, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, I (we) offer You these prayers in reparation for the sins which offend God the most in these modern times--the sins of BLASPHEMY and the PROFANATION OF SUNDAY and Your Holy Days of Obligation:

One Our Father, Hail Mary, 

and Glory Be To The Father 



    I salute Thee, I adore Thee and I love Thee, O adorable Face of Jesus, my Beloved, noble Seal of the Divinity! Outraged anew by blasphemers. I offer Thee, through the heart of Thy blessed Mother, the worship of all the Angels and Saints, most humbly beseeching Thee to repair and renew in me and in all men Thy Image disfigured by sin. 

    O adorable Face which was adored, with profound respect, by Mary and Joseph when they saw Thee for the first time, have mercy on us. 

    O adorable Face which did ravish with joy, in the stable of Bethlehem, the Angels, the shepherds and the magi, have mercy on us. 

    O adorable Face which did transpierce with a dart of love in the Temple, the saintly old man Simeon and the prophetess Anna, have mercy on us. 

    O adorable Face which filled with admiration the Doctors of the law when Thou didst appear in the Temple at the age of twelve years, have mercy on us. 

    O adorable Face which possesses beauty always ancient and always new, have mercy... 

    O adorable Face which is the masterpiece of the Holy Ghost, in which the Eternal Father is well pleased, have mercy on us. 

    O adorable Face which is the ineffable mirror of the divine perfection, have mercy on us.

    Adorable Face of Jesus which was so mercifully bowed down on the Cross, on the day of Thy Passion, for the salvation of the world! Once more today in pity bend down towards us poor sinners. Cast upon us a glance of compassion and give us Thy peace.

     O adorable Face which became brilliant like the sun and radiant with glory, on the Mountain of Tabor, have mercy on us. 

    O adorable Face which wept and was troubled at the tomb of Lazarus, have mercy on us. 

    O adorable Face which was rendered sad at the sight of Jerusalem, and shed tears on that ungrateful city, have mercy on us. 

    O adorable Face which was bowed down to the ground in the Garden of Olives, and covered with confusion for our sins, have mercy on us. 

    O adorable Face which was covered with the sweat of blood, have mercy on us. 

    O adorable Face which was struck by a vile servant, covered with a veil of shame, and profaned by the sacrilegious hands of Thy enemies, have mercy on us. 

    O adorable Face which by Its divine glance, wounded the heart of St. Peter with a dart of sorrow and love, have mercy on us.

    Be merciful to us, O my God! Do not reject our prayers, when in the midst of our afflictions, we call upon Thy Holy Name and seek with love and confidence Thy adorable Face.

    O adorable Face which was washed and anointed by Mary and the holy women and covered with a shroud, have mercy on us. 

    O adorable Face which was all resplendent with glory and beauty on the day of the Resurrection, have mercy on us. 

    O adorable Face which is hidden in the Eucharist, have mercy on us. 

    O adorable Face which will appear at the end of time in the clouds with great power and great majesty, have mercy on us. 

    O adorable Face which will make sinners tremble, have mercy on us. 

    O adorable Face which will fill the just with joy for all eternity, have mercy on us. 

    O adorable Face which merits all our reverence, our homage and our adoration, have mercy on us. 

    O Lord, show us Thy Face, and we shall be saved! 

    O Lord, show us Thy Face, and we shall be saved! 

    O Lord, show us Thy Face, and we shall be saved! 

Note: The Litany of the Holy Face above, and the same Litany in our pamphlets, is the abridged version, as the full version is quite lengthy. Here is the full-length Litany of the Holy Face.


    Almighty and Eternal Father, since it has pleased Our Divine Savior to reveal to mankind in modern times the power residing in His Holy Face, we now avail ourselves of this Treasure in our great need. Since our Savior Himself promised that by offering to You His Holy Face disfigured in the Passion we can procure the settlement of all the affairs of our household, and that nothing whatsoever will be refused to us, we now come before Your throne. 

    Eternal Father, turn away Your angry gaze from our guilty people whose face has become unsightly in Your eyes. Look instead upon the Face of Your Beloved Son; for this is the Face of Him in whom You are well pleased. We now offer You His Holy Face covered with blood, sweat, dust, spittle and shame, in reparation for the worst crimes of our age, which are atheism, blasphemy, and the desecration of Your holy days. We thus hope to appease Your anger justly provoked against us. The All-Merciful Advocate opens His mouth to plead our cause; listen to His cries, behold His tears, O God, and through the merits of His Holy Face hearken to Him when He intercedes for us poor miserable sinners.

Wednesday, January 27, 2021

Litany of Our Lady of Fatima

Our Lady of Fatima, pray for our dear country.

Our Lady of Fatima, sanctify our clergy.

Our Lady of Fatima, make our Catholics more fervent.

Our Lady of Fatima, guide and inspire those who govern us.

Our Lady of Fatima, cure the sick who confide in thee.

Our Lady of Fatima, console the sorrowful who trust in thee.

Our Lady of Fatima, help those who invoke your aid.

Our Lady of Fatima, deliver us from all dangers.

Our Lady of Fatima, help us to resist temptation.

Our Lady of Fatima, obtain for us all that we lovingly ask of thee.

Our Lady of Fatima, help those who are dear to us.

Our Lady of Fatima, bring back to the right road our erring brothers.

Our Lady of Fatima, give us back our ancient fervor.

Our Lady of Fatima, obtain for us pardon of our manifold sins and offenses.

Our Lady of Fatima, bring all men to the feet of thy Divine Child.

Our Lady of Fatima, obtain peace for the world.

O Mary conceived without sin, pray for us who have recourse to thee.

Immaculate Heart of Mary, pray for us now and at the hour of our death.Amen.

Let Us Pray:

O God of infinite goodness and mercy, fill our hearts with a great confidence in Thy dear Mother, whom we invoke under the title of Our Lady of the Rosary and our Lady of Fatima, and grant us by her powerful intercession all the graces, spiritual and temporal, which we need. 

Through Christ our Lord.


Wednesday, December 30, 2020

Ask God's favor and mercy and For your special intentionsSay this Litany of the Sacred Passion of Jesus

 Litany of the Sacred Passion

The Litany of the Sacred Passion draws together all the events of Jesus' dying day.

Lord Jesus, at the Last Supper you knew that Judas, one of the Twelve, would betray you.

Lord Jesus, during the supper, you humbly washed the feet of your disciples.

Lord Jesus, at the Last Supper, you gave us the sacrament of your broken body and outpoured blood.

Lord Jesus, you asked your disciples to watch and pray with you in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Lord Jesus, at your betrayal and arrest all your friends fled in fear and deserted you.

Lord Jesus, you were falsely accused and condemned for speaking the truth before Caiaphas, the high priest.

Lord Jesus, in the courtyard of the high priest, Simon Peter swore three times that he did not know you.

Lord Jesus, Pilate traded you for a murderer and handed you over to crucifixion.

Lord Jesus, you were beaten, mocked, and humiliated by Pilate's soldiers.

Lord Jesus, on the cross you were taunted and derided as King of the Jews.

Lord Jesus, on the cross you forgave your enemies.

Lord Jesus, from the cross you promised paradise to a repentant criminal.

Lord Jesus, from the cross you confided your Blessed Mother to your beloved disciple.

Lord Jesus, you cried out in agony to your Father and died with a loud cry.

Lord Jesus, the Roman centurion recognized you as the Son of God.

Lord Jesus, you were taken down from the cross and laid in the arms of your sorrowful Mother.

Lord Jesus, Joseph of Arimathea wrapped your body in a linen shroud and laid you in his rock-hewn tomb.

Lord Jesus, the women who had followed you from Galilee watched as you were put to rest in the tomb.

(Pause for special intentions.)

We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you,

We adore you, O Christ, and we bless you,

Closing Prayer

Lord Jesus Christ,
you were fastened with nails
to the wood of the cross
and raised on high for all to see.
As the sun grew dark and the earth quaked,
you surrendered your spirit to your Father,
descended among the dead,
broke open the gates of hell,
and freed those bound in darkness.
As angel choirs rejoiced,
you were raised to life again on the third day,
destroying death by your own death
and canceling the power of sin.
By these mighty deeds on our behalf,
rescue us from our blindness and tepidity,
inspire us anew by your Holy Spirit,
and lead us into a life of prayer and service
worthy of your awesome sacrifice,
O Savior of the world,
living and reigning with the Father,
in the unity of the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever.

May the glorious passion of our Lord Jesus Christ bring us to the joys of paradise.

Thursday, August 9, 2018


Overwhelmed by so much evil? Here are 3 of St. Michael’s weapons

This archangel fights Satan with the challenge of his own name: Micha-el, meaning Who is like God?

With so much evil confronting us in seemingly every new piece of breaking news, here are three prayers to St. Michael the Archangel, the great archangel-antagonist of Satan.
Bishop Robert Barron recently described St. Michael the Archangel thus: “Michael is invariably depicted in the armor of a warrior, for he is the general of the angelic army that stood athwart the legions of Lucifer, who had dared to arrogate to himself the prerogatives of God. He fought, not with sword and spear, but with the unanswerable challenge of his own name: Micha-el (Who is like God?)”
In our battle against evil — that in ourselves and that in the world — let us call on these prayers.

A Litany of St. Michael

Lord, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us. Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us. Lord, have mercy on us. 
Christ, hear us. Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us. Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven, have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world, have mercy on us.
God the Holy Spirit, have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, one God, have mercy on us.
[Repeat pray for us after each invocation]
Holy Mary, Queen of the Angels,
St. Michael, the Archangel,
Most glorious attendant of the Triune Divinity,
Standing at the right of the altar of Incense,
Ambassador of Paradise,
Glorious Prince of the Heavenly armies,
Leader of the Angelic hosts,
The standard-bearer of God’s armies,
Defender of Divine glory,
First defender of the Kingship of Christ,
Strength of God,
Invincible Prince and warrior,
Angel of Peace,
Guide of Christ,
Guardian of the Catholic Faith,
Champion of God’s people,
Guardian Angel of the Eucharist,
Defender of the Church,
Protector of the Sovereign Pontiff,
Angel of Catholic action,
Powerful intercessor of Christians,
Bravest defender of those who hope in God,
Guardian of our souls and bodies,
Healer of the sick,
Help of those in their agony,
Consoler of the Souls in Purgatory,
God’s messenger for the souls of the just,
Terror of the evil spirits,
Victorious in battle against evil,
Guardian and Patron of the universal Church,
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
have mercy on us.
V. Pray for us, O glorious St. Michael,
R. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.

Act of Consecration to St. Michael the Archangel

Oh most Noble Prince of the Angelic Hierarchies
valorous warrior of Almighty God,
and zealous lover of His glory,
terror of the rebellious angels,
and love and delight of all the just ones,
my beloved Archangel Saint Michael,
desiring to be numbered among thy devoted servants,
I, today offer and consecrate myself to thee,
and place myself, my family,
and all I possess under thy most powerful protection.
I entreat thee not to look at how little, I,
as thy servant have to offer,
being only a wretched sinner,
but to gaze, rather,
with favorable eye at the heartfelt affection
with which this offering is made,
and remember that if from this day onward
I am under thy patronage,
thou must during all my life assist me,
and procure for me the pardon of my many grievous offenses,
and sins, the grace to love with all my heart my God,
my dear Savior Jesus and my Sweet Mother Mary,
and obtain for me all the help necessary to arrive to my crown
of glory.
Defend me always from my spiritual enemies,
particularly in the last moments of my life.
Come then oh Glorious Prince and succor me in my last struggle,
and with thy powerful weapon cast far from me
into the infernal abysses that prevaricator
and proud angel that one day thou prostrated
in the celestial battle.
Saint Michael, defend us in our daily battle
so that we may not perish in the last Judgment.

Prayer to St. Michael

St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.

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