Act of Contrition In Front Of The Crucifix
Collections of Catholic Prayers and inspirations for everyone who needs it anytime. Pray Unceasingly! Let Go With God! Catholic Prayers Are Oasis Of Graces!
Thursday, July 22, 2021
Say this Prayer to Jesus in front of a Crucifix as an Act of Contrition
Sunday, July 18, 2021
Nicene Creed
Nicene Creed
I believe in one God,
the Father almighty,
maker of heaven and earth,
of all things visible and invisible.
I believe in one Lord Jesus Christ,
the Only Begotten Son of God,
born of the Father before all ages.
God from God, Light from Light,
true God from true God,
begotten, not made,
consubstantial with the Father;
through him all things were made.
For us men and for our salvation
he came down from heaven,
and by the Holy Spirit
was incarnate of the Virgin Mary,
and became man.
For our sake he was crucified under Pontius Pilate,
he suffered death and was buried,
and rose again on the third day
in accordance with the Scriptures.
He ascended into heaven
and is seated at the right hand of the Father.
He will come again in glory
to judge the living and the dead
and his kingdom will have no end.
I believe in the Holy Spirit,
the Lord, the giver of life,
who proceeds from the Father and the Son,
who with the Father and the Son
is adored and glorified,
who has spoken through the prophets.
I believe in one, holy,
catholic and apostolic Church.
I confess one Baptism
for the forgiveness of sins
and I look forward to the resurrection of the dead
and the life of the world to come.
Saint Michael the Archangel Prayer
Prayer to Saint Michael the Archangel
Pope Leo XIII wrote the Saint Michael prayer, printed below, in 1884, after supposedly seeing a frightening vision: evil spirits, trying to fulfill Satan’s boast to destroy our Lord’s Church within a century, were engaging in fierce attacks against it.
Although the Pontiff also saw St. Michael casting Satan (also known as the devil) and his demons back into Hell in his vision, he was so horrified by what he had seen he felt compelled to help defend our faith in this struggle.
In the Saint Michael prayer he throws down the gauntlet to “the father of lies” as Jesus calls the devil in John’s Gospel (8:44), by enlisting the help of a very special Archangel:
St. Michael the Archangel,
defend us in battle.
Be our defense against the wickedness and snares of the Devil.
May God rebuke him, we humbly pray,
and do thou,
O Prince of the heavenly hosts,
by the power of God,
thrust into hell Satan,
and all the evil spirits,
who prowl about the world
seeking the ruin of souls.
Sunday, July 4, 2021
Saint Joseph, Terror of Demons, cast thy solemn gaze upon the devil and all his minions, and protect us with thy mighty staff. Thou fled through the night to avoid the devil’s wicked designs; now with the power of God, smite the demons as they flee from thee! Grant special protection, we pray, for children, fathers, mothers, families, and the dying. By God’s grace, no demon dares approach while thou art near, so we beg of thee, Saint Joseph, always be near to us! Amen.
Saint Joseph, terror of demons, pray for us
Sunday, June 27, 2021
The Litany of our Lady of Perpetual Help
The Litany of our Lady of Perpetual Help
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, have mercy on us.
Lord, have mercy on us.
Christ, hear us.
Christ, graciously hear us.
God the Father of Heaven,
Have mercy on us.
God the Son, Redeemer of the world,
Have mercy on us.
God the Holy Ghost,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Trinity, One God,
Have mercy on us.
Holy Mary,
pray for us.
Holy Mother of God,
pray for us.
Holy Virgin of virgins,
pray for us.
Mother of Christ,
pray for us.
Queen conceived without the stain of Original Sin,
pray for us.
Queen of the most Holy Rosary,
pray for us.
Our Lady of Perpetual Help,
pray for us.
O Mother of Perpetual Help,
whose very name inspires confidence,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
That I may love God with all my heart,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
That I may in all things conform my will
to that of thy Divine Son,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
That I may always shun sin, the only real evil,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
That I may always remember my last end,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
That I may often and devoutly receive the Sacraments,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
That I may avoid every proximate occasion of sin,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
That I may never neglect prayer,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
That I may ever remember to invoke thee,
particularly in time of temptation,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
That I may always be victorious in the hour of temptation,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
That I may generously pardon my enemies,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
That I may arise quickly,
should I have the misfortune of falling into mortal sin,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
That I may courageously resist the seductions of evil companions,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
That I may be strong against my own inconstancy,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
That I may not delay my conversion from day to day,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
That I may labor zealously to eradicate my evil habits,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
That I may ever love to serve thee,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
That I may lead others to love and serve thee,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
That I may live and die in the friendship of God,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
In all necessities of body and soul,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
In sickness and pain,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
In poverty and distress,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
In persecution and abandonment,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
In grief and dereliction of mind,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
In time of war, famine and contagion,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
In every danger of sin,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
When assailed by the evil spirits,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
When tempted by the allurements of a deceitful world,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
When struggling against the inclinations of my corrupt nature,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
When tempted against the holy virtue of purity,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
When death is nigh,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
When the loss of my senses
shall warn me that my earthly career is at an end,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
When the thought of my approaching dissolution
shall fill me with fear and terror,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
When at the decisive hour of death,
the evil spirit will endeavor to plunge my soul into despair,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
When the priest of God shall give me
his last absolution and his last blessing,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
When my friends and relations,
surrounding my bed, moved with compassion,
shall invoke thy clemency on my behalf,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
When the world will vanish from my sight,
and my heart will cease to beat,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
When I shall yield my soul into the hands of its Creator,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
When my soul will appear before its Sovereign Judge,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
When the irrevocable sentence will be pronounced,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
When I will be suffering in Purgatory,
and sighing for the vision of God,
Come to my aid, O loving Mother.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Spare us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Graciously hear us, O Lord.
Lamb of God, Who takest away the sins of the world,
Have mercy on us.
Let Us Pray
O Almighty and merciful God,
Who, in order to succor the human race,
hast willed the Blessed Virgin Mary
to become the Mother of Thy only-begotten Son,
grant, we beseech Thee,
that by her intercession
we may avoid the contagion of sin
and serve Thee with a pure heart,
through the same Christ Our Lord.
Tuesday, June 22, 2021
Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help
Novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help
(Pray for 9 consecutive days)
In this novena to Our Lady of Perpetual Help (also known as Our Mother of Perpetual Help from this icon pictured above) we pay tribute to the Blessed Virgin Mary in asking for her assistance. This picture of the Blessed Mother with her Divine Son above has helped her provide strength, comfort and even miracles to the faithful for centuries!
Mother of Perpetual Help, you are the dispenser of every grace that God grants us in our misery.
For this reason He has made you so powerful, so rich, and so kind that you might help us in our needs.
You are the advocate of the most wretched and abandoned sinners, if they but come to you.
Come to my aid for I commend myself to you.
In your hands I place my eternal salvation; to you I entrust my soul.
Count me among your most faithful servants. Take me under your protection; that is enough for me.
If you protect me, I shall fear nothing: not my sins, because you will obtain for me their pardon and remission; not the evil spirits, because you are mightier than all the powers of Hell; not even Jesus, my Judge, because He is appeased by a single prayer from you.
I fear only that through my own negligence I may forget to recommend myself to you and so lose my soul.
My dear Lady, obtain for me the forgiveness of my sins, love for Jesus, final perseverance, and the grace to have recourse to you at all times, Mother of Perpetual Help.
Say Three Hail Marys
O Mother of Perpetual Help, grant that I may ever invoke your most powerful name, which is the safeguard of the living and the salvation of the dying.
O Purest Mary, O Sweetest Mary, let your name henceforth be ever on my lips. Delay not, O Blessed Lady, to help me whenever I call on you, for, in all my temptations, in all my needs, I shall never cease to call on you, ever repeating your sacred name, Mary, Mary.
O what consolation, what sweetness, what confidence, what emotion fills my soul when I utter your sacred name, or even only think of you.
I thank God for having given you, for my good, so sweet, so powerful, so lovely a name. But I will not be content with merely uttering your name; let my hope in you prompt me ever to hail you, Mother of Perpetual Help.
Saturday, June 19, 2021
All Powerful and Eternal God, through the merits of Your Son Jesus, and Through Your love for Him, I implore You, have pity on the priests of the Holy Church. In spite of their sublime dignity, they are fearful and weak, like all created beings. In your infinite mercy, inflame their hearts with the fire of Divine Love. For the sake of Jesus, Your Son, bestow grace on the priests and uphold them. Do not let them fall into temptation and tarnish their noble vocation.
O Jesus, we implore you. Look with pity on the priests of the Holy Church: those who are serving You faithfully and proclaiming Your glory; those who are persecuted for tending your flock; those who are abandoned, weary and sorrowful: those who are lukewarm, confused and who have denied their faith; those who are sick, dying, or in Purgatory. Lord Jesus, we entreat You. Listen to our supplication, have pity and console them.
O Jesus, we entrust to You the priests of the whole world: the priests who baptized me, absolved my sins, offered Holy Mass and consecrated the Eucharist to nourish my soul. We entrust to You the priests that instructed me when I was ignorant, gave me strength in my weakness, showed me the Way and the Truth and comforted me in my sorrow and affliction. For all the blessings they obtained for me, I implore You to support them in Your Loving Kindness.
O Jesus, shelter our priests in Your Sacred Heart. Let them take refuge in Your mercy and love, in this life, and to the hour of death. Amen.
By his Eminence the late Ignatius Cardinal Kung, Bishop of Shanghai.
I Confess
I confess to almighty God,
to blessed Mary ever Virgin,
to blessed Michael the Archangel,
to blessed John the Baptist,
to the holy apostles Peter and Paul,
and to all the saints
that I have sinned exceedingly
in thought, word, and deed,
through my fault, through my fault,
through my most grievous fault.
Therefore, I beseech blessed Mary ever Virgin,
blessed Michael the Archangel,
blessed John the Baptist,
the holy apostles Peter and Paul,
and all the saints,
to pray for me to the Lord our God.
P. May Almighty God have mercy on you,
forgive you your sins,
and bring you to life everlasting.
R. Amen.
One of the reasons why Saint Anthony worked so hard to convert heretics was because he genuinely felt sorry for them. He saw that they were depriving themselves of the Church and the most precious gift to the Church, the Most Holy Eucharist. He truly believed that no one could long survive without this spiritual nourishment.
One day, a heretic told Anthony that he would believe that Christ was truly present in the Eucharist only if his mule bowed down to it.
They established that the test should take place in three days. The heretic starved his mule for the next three days. When the appointed time had arrived, Anthony stood off to one side with the consecrated host in his hands, while the heretic stood to the other holding some fodder for the mule to eat. The mule, ignoring its own extreme hunger, went before the Eucharist and knelt down to adore the Blessed Sacrament.
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