Thursday, April 6, 2023

Give Thanks and Glory to Jesus Christ With this Good Friday Prayer of Love For The Crucified Lord


Use these Good Friday Prayer to praise our Lord, Jesus Christ, give thanks to His sacrifice on the cross, and request that He have mercy on us. May these prayers help your heart and mind to truly appreciate the glorious gift of redemption from sin that Christ has given mankind.

Good Friday Prayer of Love for the Crucified Lord

O Jesus,
it is not the heavenly reward You have promised
which impels me to love You;
neither is it the threat of hell
that keeps me from offending You.
It is You O Lord,
it is the sight of You
affixed to the Cross and suffering insults;
it is the sight of Your broken body,
as well as Your pains and Your death.
There is nothing You can give me
to make me love You.
For even if there were no heaven and no hell
I would still love you as I do!

Offering of the Precious Blood (The Long Version)

Offering of the Precious Blood 
(The Long Version)

Eternal Father,
we offer Thee the precious Blood of Jesus,
shed for us through exceeding love,
and with exceeding pain
from the wound of His right hand;
through the merits and virtues of which,
we beseech Thy divine Majesty
to bestow on us Thy sacred benediction,
that by its efficacy
we may be protected from our enemies,
and delivered from every evil.
For this purpose we say:
May the blessing of Almighty God,
Father, Son, and Holy Ghost,
descend upon us,
and remain always with us.
(Then say Our Father..., Hail Mary..., and Glory be to the
Father.... once, to the Most Adorable Trinity, in
thanksgiving for all the blessings and benefits we

Sunday, April 2, 2023

The Passion of Jesus Christ



"When I become immersed in the Lord's Passion, I often see the Lord Jesus, during adoration, in this manner: after the scourging, the torturers took the Lord and stripped Him of His own garment, which had already adhered to the wounds; as they took it off, His wounds reopened; then they threw a dirty and tattered scarlet cloak over the fresh wounds of the Lord. The cloak, in some places, barely reached His knees. They made Him sit on a piece of beam. And then they wove a crown of thorns, which they put on His sacred head. They put a reed in His hand and made fun of Him, bowing to Him as to a king. Some spat in His face, while others took the reed and struck Him on the head with it. Others caused Him pain by slapping Him; still others covered His face and struck Him with their fists. Jesus bore all this with meekness. Who can comprehend Him — comprehend His suffering? Jesus' eyes were downcast. I sensed what was happening in the most sweet Heart of Jesus at that time. Let every soul reflect on what Jesus was suffering at that moment. They tried to outdo each other in insulting the Lord.

(Saint Faustina's Diary 408)

Prayer for my children to Our Lady of Perpetual Help

Virgin Mother, my Mother, watch over them …

Virgin Mother, my Mother, come to the aid of my children!

May your blessing accompany them, guard them, and defend them. May it encourage them, sustain them in every difficulty, and in every place.

When they go off to work or to play, when they move from place to place, at every step they take, Virgin Mother, my Mother, watch over them.

When they face challenges and suffering, when the Evil One tries to seduce them with the attractions of pleasure, of violence, of temptation, of bad example, Virgin Mother, my Mother, watch over them.

Virgin Mother, watch over them and preserve them from every evil.

When they approach the Sacred Banquet to be fed with the Bread of Angels, with the Word that was made flesh in your womb, Virgin Mother, my Mother, bless my children.

When at night they prepare to rest so as to rise again with new energy, watch over their slumber and make each new day a step toward their eternal Homeland.

Virgin Mother, my Mother, bless my children, descend over them, in the day and in the night, in moments of joy and moments of sadness, in health and in sickness, in life and in death.

Bring them to live with you forever in eternity. Amen.

Thursday, March 30, 2023

Do you need Generational healing? Here is a Prayer for Healing of Family Tree


Prayer for Healing the Family Tree
~ (Fr. John Hampsch)

Heavenly Father, I come before You as Your child, in great need of Your help. I have physical health needs, emotional needs, spiritual needs, and interpersonal needs. Many of my problems have been caused by my own failures, neglect and sinfulness, for which I humbly beg Your forgiveness, Lord. But I also ask You to forgive the sins of my ancestors whose failures have left their effects on me in the form of unwanted tendencies, behavior patterns and defects in body, mind and spirit. Heal me, Lord, of all these disorders.
With Your help I sincerely forgive everyone, especially living or dead members of my family tree, who have directly offended me, or my loved ones in any way, or those whose sins have resulted in our present sufferings and disorders. In the name of Your divine Son Jesus, and in the power of His Holy Spirit, I ask You, Father, to deliver me and my entire family tree from the influence of the evil one. Free all living and dead members of my family tree, including those in adoptive relationships, and those in extended family relationships, from every contaminating form of bondage; By Your loving concern for us, heavenly Father, and by the shed blood of your Precious Son Jesus, I beg You to extend Your blessing to me and all my living and deceased relatives. Heal every negative effect transmitted through all past generations, and prevent such negative effects in future generations of my family tree.
I symbolically place the Cross of Jesus over the head of each person in my family tree, and between each generation; I ask You to let the cleansing blood of Jesus purify the blood lines in my family lineage. Set Your protective angels to encamp around us, and permit Archangel Raphael, the patron of healing, to administer Your divine healing power to all of us, even in areas of genetic disability. Give special power to our family members' guardian angels to heal, protect, guide and encourage each of us in all our needs. Let Your healing power be released at this very moment and let it continue as long as Your sovereignty permits.
In our family tree, Lord, replace all bondage with a holy bonding in family love. And let there be an even deeper bonding with You, Lord, by the Holy Spirit, to Your Son Jesus. Let the family of the Holy Trinity pervade our family with its tender, warm, loving presence, so that our family may recognize and manifest that love in all our relationships. All of our unknown needs we include with this petition that we pray in Jesus precious Name. Amen.

When you find it difficult to be humble, say this prayer to the Blessed Mother

(St. John Neumann )

O Mary, Mother of Mercy,
pray to thy Divine Son for me, a poor sinner;
beg Him to make me humble.
Oh, how humble art thou, the purest of Virgins;
thou, my powerful mediatrix;
thou, O most holy among the children of Adam,
who art the exalted Mother of God!
Thou didst declare thyself the handmaid of Him
Whose Mother thou art.
Behold, my dear heavenly Mother,
how gladly I would dedicate myself to thy Divine Son,
that His Will may also be mine.
But my pride, my self-esteem, my vanity,
are always against me.
I struggle against them,
and yet I allow them to surprise and deceive me so often.
Oh, how this afflicts me!
Mary, Refuge of Sinners,
if I were only sincere when I beg of thee
to obtain humiliation for me.
But alas, whilst praying for such helps to humility,
I fear the granting of my prayer.
I clearly see better things;
I even desire their possession
and yet I shrink from what alone can give me true humility.
Behold my trials, my combats in this valley of tears!
O my dearest Mother,
if to be freed from this body would give glory to God,
how gladly would I not lay down my life.

Wednesday, March 29, 2023

Monday, March 27, 2023


Three-day of prayer to the Sacred Heart of Jesus

Those who propagate this devotion shall have their names written in My Heart never to be blotted out.


O most holy Heart of Jesus, fountain of every blessing, I adore Thee, I love Thee and with a lively sorrow for my sins, I offer Thee this poor heart of mine. Make me humble, patient, pure and wholly obedient to Thy will.

Grant, good Jesus, that I may live in Thee and for Thee. Protect me in the midst of danger; comfort me in my afflictions; give me health of body, assistance in my temporal needs, Thy blessing on all that I do, and the grace of a holy death. Within Thy Heart I place my every care. In every need let me come to Thee with humble trust saying, Heart of Jesus help me.


O my Jesus, you have said: “Truly I say to you, ask and you will receive, seek and you will find, knock and it will be opened to you.” Behold I knock, I seek and ask for the grace of…… (here name your request)
Our Father….Hail Mary….Glory Be to the Father….Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.


O my Jesus, you have said: ” Truly I say to you, if you ask anything of the Father in my name, He will give it to you. ”

Behold, in your name, I ask the Father for the grace of . . . . .

(here name your request)

Our Father….Hail Mary….Glory Be to the Father….

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.


O my Jesus, you have said: ” Truly I say to you, Heaven and earth will pass away but my words will not pass away.

” Encouraged by your infallible words I now ask for the grace of . . . . .

(here name your request)

Our Father….Hail Mary….Glory Be to the Father….

Sacred Heart of Jesus, I place all my trust in you.

FINAL PRAYER for each Day

O Sacred Heart of Jesus, for whom it is impossible not to have compassion on the afflicted, have pity on us miserable sinners and grant us the grace which we ask of you, through the Sorrowful and Immaculate Heart of Mary, your tender Mother and ours.
Say the Hail, Holy Queen and add: St. Joseph, foster father of Jesus, pray for us.

Monday, March 20, 2023

Best Saint Quotes About Saint Joseph


We don't have any words from Jesus' father on earth, but we have so many reflections from the saints who have loved him dearly.

Here are some of our favorites:

Padre Pio: Ite ad Joseph. Go to Joseph with extreme confidence, because I do not remember having asked anything from St. Joseph, without having obtained it readily.

Thomas Aquinas: It is true that the other saints enjoy great power in heaven, but they ask as servants, and do not command as masters. Saint Joseph, to whose authority Jesus was subject on earth, obtains what he desires from his kingly foster Son in heaven.

St. Teresa of Avila: The Lord wants us to understand that just as he was subject to St. Joseph on earth — for since bearing the title of father, being the Lord’s tutor, Joseph could give the child commands — so in heaven God does whatever he commands.

Blessed Conchita: How greatly you suffered at the vision of her [Mary’s] martyrdom without you, the solitude of the wife whom you loved so well. Oh what martyrdom wracked your soul at the fore-vision of the Passion and the seven swords which would pierce the Immaculate Heart of Mary. You dreamed of her alone, alone without Jesus — and this affliction embittered your happy life.

St. Bernadette Soubirous: If anyone cannot find a master to teach him how to pray, let him take this glorious saint as his master, and he will not go astray.

Friday, March 17, 2023

A Lenten Prayer to Begin Each Day

A Lenten Prayer to Begin Each Day

Dear Lord,
As this day dawns along my Lenten journey, open my eyes to how I can follow you more closely along the road of love and self-sacrifice. Give me a heart that’s grateful so as to recognize your countless blessings and generosity so as to share all I have with others.
May I comfort you in your Holy Passion by comforting others in distress I meet along my daily road — especially the poor and forgotten. May I show true sorrow for my failings with a sincere resolution to overcome my faults with the help of your infinite mercy.
I entrust all this to you through your loving Mother, whose tender love I trust will guide my steps to lasting hope and eternal joy found only in you.

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PRAYER TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY O Mary, Virgin most powerful and Mother of mercy, Queen of Heaven and Refuge o...