Saturday, August 5, 2023


Dear Saint Rita, model, wife and widow, you yourself suffered in a long illness showing patience out of love for God.

Teach us to pray as you did.

Many invoke you for help, full of confidence in your intercession.

Deign to come now to our aid for the relief and cure of (name).

To God all things are possible; may this healing give glory to the Lord.


Monday, July 31, 2023


O LORD JESUS, our most loving Redeemer, Who having come to enlighten the world with Thy teaching and example, didst will to pass the greater part of Thy life in humility and subjection to Mary and Joseph in the poor home of Nazareth, thus sanctifying the Family that was to be an example for all Christian families, graciously receive our family as it Dedicates and Consecrates itself to Thee this day. Do Thou protect us, guard us and establish amongst us Thy holy fear, true Peace and Concord in Christian Love: in order that by living according to the divine pattern of Thy Family we may be able, all of us without exception, to attain to eternal happiness.

Most Holy Virgin MARY, dear Mother of JESUS and Mother of us, through the recitation of the Rosary, and by the kindly intercession make this our humble offering acceptable in the sight of JESUS, and obtain for us His Graces and Blessings. O Saint JOSEPH, most holy Guardian of JESUS and MARY, help us by thy prayers in all our spiritual and temporal needs; that so we may be enabled to praise our divine Savior JESUS, together with MARY and Thee, for all eternity. Amen.

Friday, July 28, 2023

Prayer to the Two Hearts for the Consecration of the Family

Prayer to the Two Hearts for the Consecration of the Family

Sacred Heart of Jesus and Immaculate Heart of Mary, I come to you to consecrate myself and my entire family to Your Two Hearts.

I desire to renew the vows of my baptism and place each member of my family through an act of faith, Hope and love into loving union with the Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph.

I dedicate myself and each member of My family to the Guardian Angels God has given each one of us. O Holy Guardian Angels, enlighten, guide And protect each one so as to lead us safely home to heaven.

At Fatima, dear Mother of God, you appeared with St. Joseph and the Child Jesus blessing the world. O Holy Family, Bestow blessings upon me and my entire family so that we may live the Christ-life.

I desire that each member of my family adore always the Most Blessed Trinity and love our God in the Most Blessed Sacrament.

Grant peace to each member of my family. Keep each one in the grace of Jesus Christ.

Never permit any of my family To stray from the true faith. For any member who has strayed, I beseech you to bind up the wounds, lift up the fallen, and keep each of our loved ones in grace. Bid them come back to their Father’s true home. Amen. God bless you all!

Monday, July 24, 2023

DEDICATION OF A FAMILY TO MARY by Saint Alphonsus Liguori

by Saint Alphonsus Liguori 

OH BLESSED AND IMMACULATE VIRGIN MARY, our Queen and Mother, Refuge and Consolation of all those who are in misery, I, prostrate before thy throne with all my family, choose thee for my Lady, Mother, and Advocate with GOD. I, with all who belong to me, dedicate myself forever to thy service, and pray thee, oh Mother of GOD, to receive us into the number of thy servants, taking us all under thy protection, aiding us in life, and still more, at the hour of our death. Oh Mother of Mercy, I choose thee Lady and Ruler of my whole house, of my relatives, my interests, and all my affairs. Do not disdain to take care of them; dispose of them all as it pleases thee. Bless me, then, and all my family, and do not permit that any of us should offend thy Son. Do thou Defend us in temptations, Deliver us from dangers, Provide for us in our necessities, Counsel us in our doubts, Console us in afflictions, Be with us in sickness, and especially in the agonies of death. Do not permit the devil to glory in having in his chains any of us who are now Consecrated to thee; but grant that we may come to thee in heaven to thank thee, and together with thee to praise and love our Redeemer JESUS CHRIST for all eternity. AMEN, thus may it be.


Sunday, July 23, 2023

Sorrowful Mystery of the Holy Rosary

The SORROWFUL MYSTERIES of the Holy ROSARY are a profound and reflective set of prayers that invite believers to meditate on significant events in the life of Jesus Christ. These mysteries focus on the intense suffering and sacrifice of Jesus, leading up to His crucifixion and death. As we contemplate these sorrowful moments, we are reminded of the immense love and redemption that Christ offered to humanity through His passion. The Sorrowful Mysteries invite us to enter into the depth of Christ's mercy and to find solace and strength in His unwavering example of love and obedience to God's will. Through the recitation of the rosary, we accompany the Blessed Virgin Mary in meditating on these sacred events, seeking comfort and guidance in our own trials and tribulations.

In this mystery of the Rosary, Let us ponder and pray that the Holy spirit will enlighten us how the fruit applies to its respective mystery and to embody that fruit in our own life. As we meditate on the fruits of the Sorrowful Mysteries, Lord, open our hearts to receive the fruits and we ask Jesus and Mary to reveal where we can grow in that fruit. May the grace of YOur Agony, Lord, come down into our soul and make us truly contrite and perfectly obedient to Your holy will.

Sunday, July 16, 2023



Merciful Jesus, aware of my nothingness and of the Divine Grandeur, I throw myself at Your Feet to thank You for the many Graces You have granted me, especially those of having delivered me, through the Virtue of "Your Precious Blood", from the evil power of Satan.

In the presence of the Virgin Mary: My Mother, of my Holy Guardian Angel, of my Patron Saints and of the entire Celestial Court, I consecrate myself freely and with a sincere heart to Your Precious Blood...

O JESUS, YOU WHO ARE "OUR SAVIOR": You saved the world from sin, death and hell. I promise You, with the help of Your Holy Grace, to arouse and spread with all my strength and according to my means :

"Devotion to Your Precious Blood, pledge of our salvation". so that Your Adorable Blood may be honored and glorified.

By this means, I would like to make amends for my infidelities towards Your Precious Blood: Sign of Your Love, and to make amends for the many profanations of men with regard to Your Redeeming Blood.

O JESUS! Remember no more my own sins, my coldness and ingratitude. Therefore: I offer Thee, O Jesus, the Love, Veneration and Adoration of Thy most Holy Mother, Thy faithful disciples and all the Saints towards Thy Precious Blood.

I beg You to : Remember no more my past infidelities and coldness and forgive all those who have offended You, including my own ( ...........)

Sprinkle me and my family,Sprinkle us: O my Divine Savior, and all men, with Your Precious Blood, so that from now on, we may love You with all our hearts.

 O Crucified Love! May we always venerate the price of our salvation with dignity.


Saturday, July 15, 2023



Medals of St. Benedict may be blessed by any priest (Instr. Sept. 26, 1964). The following English form may be used.


V. Our help is in the name of the Lord. R. Who made heaven and earth.

In the name of God the Father + almighty, who made heaven and earth, the seas and all that is in them, I exorcise these medals against the power and attacks of the evil one. May all who use these medals devoutly be blessed with health of soul and body. In the name of the Father + almighty, of his Son + Jesus Christ our Lord, and of the Holy + Spirit the Paraclete, and in the love of the same Lord Jesus Christ who will come on the last day to judge the living and the dead, and the world by fire.

R. Amen.

Let us pray. Almighty God, the boundless source of all good things, we humbly, ask that, through the intercession of St. Benedict, you pour out your blessings + upon these medals. May those who use them devoutly and earnestly strive to perform good works be blessed by you with health of soul and body, the grace of a holy life, and remission of the temporal punishment due to sin. May they also, with the help of your merciful love, resist the temptations of the evil one and strive to exercise true charity and justice toward all, so that one day they may appear sinless and holy in your sight. This we ask through Christ our Lord. R. Amen.

The medals are then sprinkled with holy water.

Tuesday, July 11, 2023

Prayer for Special Petition to Our Lady,Most Holy Virgin Mary

MOST HOLY VIRGIN MARY, my Mother, I kneel before you with heavy heart. The burden of my sins oppresses me. The knowledge of my weakness discourages me. I am beset by fears and temptations of every sort. Yet I am so attached to the things of this world that instead of longing for Heaven I am filled with dread at the thought of death. 

O Mother of Mercy, have pity on me in my distress. You are all-powerful with JESUS CHRIST, your Divine Son. He can refuse no request of your IMMACULATE HEART. Show yourself a true Mother to me by being my Advocate before His throne. O Refuge of Sinners and Hope of the Hopeless, to whom shall I turn if not you? 
Obtain for me, then, O Mother of Hope, the grace of true sorrow for my sins, the gift of perfect resignation to GOD's Holy Will, and the courage to take up my cross and follow JESUS. Beg of His SACRED HEART the special favor that I ask in this novena…

But above all I pray, O dearest Mother of Perpetual Help, that through your most powerful intercession my heart may be filled with Holy Hope, so that in life's darkest hour I may never fail to TRUST in GOD my Savior, but by walking in the way of His Commandments I may merit to be united with Him, and with you in the eternal joys of Heaven! Amen. 
O MARY, our Help, have pity on us. 
HOPE of the Hopeless, pray for us.


Memorare Of Our Lady, Blessed Virgin Mary

The "Memorare" is a well-known Catholic prayer that is often recited as a form of intercession and supplication to the Virgin Mary. Its name comes from the Latin word "memorare," which means "remember."

The prayer is believed to have originated in the 15th century and is attributed to Saint Bernard of Clairvaux, a prominent French abbot and theologian. However, its exact authorship is uncertain, and it has been attributed to other figures throughout history as well.

The Memorare is a short but powerful prayer that expresses a believer's trust in the Virgin Mary's intercession and her maternal care. It is a plea for Mary's assistance in times of difficulty, seeking her help and guidance in times of need.

The prayer begins with the invocation: "Remember, O most gracious Virgin Mary." It acknowledges Mary's compassion and her role as the Mother of God. It continues with the plea for her help, saying, "that never was it known that anyone who fled to thy protection, implored thy help, or sought thy intercession was left unaided."

The Memorare expresses the believer's confidence in Mary's ability to bring their petitions before her Son, Jesus Christ. It acknowledges her closeness to Jesus and her role as a compassionate and merciful advocate for all who call upon her.

The prayer concludes with a request for Mary's intercession, saying, "Inspired by this confidence, I fly unto thee, O Virgin of virgins, my Mother; to thee do I come, before thee I stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother of the Word Incarnate, despise not my petitions, but in thy mercy hear and answer me. Amen."

The Memorare is a widely cherished prayer in the Catholic tradition and is often recited individually or in group settings. It is particularly popular during times of distress, seeking Mary's intercession for protection, guidance, and assistance in various life situations.

The prayer is seen as a way to deepen one's devotion to Mary and to seek her motherly care. It is a reminder of the believer's reliance on Mary's intercession and her powerful role in the spiritual journey.

Overall, the Memorare is a heartfelt plea to the Virgin Mary for her assistance and intercession. It reflects the Catholic belief in Mary's role as a loving and compassionate mother who is ever ready to listen to the prayers of her children and to bring their petitions before God.

Sunday, July 9, 2023



Blood of Christ, also known as the Most Precious Blood, in Christian theology refers to the physical blood actually shed by Jesus Christ primarily on the Cross, and the salvation which Christianity teaches was accomplished thereby, or the sacramental blood (wine) present in the Eucharist or Lord's Supper. This Blood, when worthily received, drives away demons and puts them at a distance from us, and even summons to us angels and the Lord of angels. This Blood, poured out in abundance, has washed the whole world clean. This is the price of the world; by it Christ purchased the Church…The believer is not only saved, redeemed, and justified by the blood of Christ, but the blood sets the believer free from the power of sin and makes him holy and enables him to grow in Christ likeness by the work of the Holy Spirit.The precious blood from the sinless Savior is the only means of salvation for lost man. If there is one subject more than any another that Satan would oppose, it is the Blood! He would like nothing more than to turn our minds away from this truth.

As Hebrews 9:14 explains, the blood of Christ, shed for our sake, cleanses “our consciences from acts that lead to death, so that we may serve the living God!” For all who trust in Christ, we are washed in his blood, fully cleansed from sin so that we may serve him! Lord Jesus, you wash us and make us fully clean.

First John 1:7 tells us: “The blood of Jesus His Son cleanses us from every sin.” So when we confess our sins to God, we're forgiven of our sins and cleansed from them by the blood of Jesus.

A Powerful Prayer to be Said Before Praying

“Almighty Father, I place the Precious Blood of Jesus before my lips before I pray, that my prayers may be purified before they ascend to Your divine altar.” – St. Mary Magdalen de Pazzi

The “Constant” Prayer of St. Catherine of Siena

“Precious Blood, ocean of divine mercy: Flow upon us! Precious Blood, most pure offering: Procure us every grace! Precious Blood, hope and refuge of sinners: Atone for us! Precious Blood, delight of holy souls: Draw us! Amen.”

Offering of the Precious Blood

“Eternal Father, I offer You the Most Precious Blood of Jesus Christ in atonement for my sins, and in supplication for the holy souls in Purgatory and for the needs of Holy Church.” – The Raccolta

When blessing yourself with Holy Water

“By this Holy Water and by Your Precious Blood, Lord Jesus, wash away all my sins.”

When entering or leaving your house

“Precious Blood of Jesus, shed on the Cross for us, bless this house. Take it under Thy protection.”

Precious Blood Prayer in Response to Requests from Our Lord

“Dear Jesus, moved by an impulse of love, and with purity of intention, I wish to cover my humble labors with Your merits and bathe them in the supernatural gold of Your Precious Blood. I desire to consecrate my life to the saving of souls and the extension of Your glory, and I beg the Heavenly Father for as many souls as You shed drops of Blood during Your Passion.” – Sr. Josefa Menendez

Pleading the Blood of Jesus

“Father in heaven, may we all be cleansed by the saving Blood of Jesus; may our consciences be purged of dead works. Scripture says that evil is defeated by the Blood of the Lamb, so we ask that the Blood of Jesus cover all who are in need of protection (all civil, religious and lay leaders, our families, friends, enemies, all those for whom we have promised to pray, and ourselves). We mark the borders of our nation and the doorposts of our churches, homes, schools and places of employment with the Precious Blood of Jesus. Also, we cover our vehicles that no one may ever be injured through them. Thank You, Lord, for shedding Your Blood for us. May the Water and Blood that came from the side of Jesus create a protecting fountain of grace, one which flows directly from the throne of God to us. Come, Lord, and fill us with Your Holy Spirit.”

Prayer of St. Faustina

“O Blood and Water, which gushed forth from the Heart of Jesus as a Fount of Mercy for us, I trust in You.”

Prayer of Protection by the Precious Blood - St. Elizabeth Ann Seton

Lord JESUS, by faith in your merits, I now take your Precious Blood and sprinkle it over myself and my family right from the crown of my head to the very soles of my feet. I claim total and complete protection for my life and my family.

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PRAYER TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY O Mary, Virgin most powerful and Mother of mercy, Queen of Heaven and Refuge o...