Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Prayer to Heal And Protect the World from Covid 19 Pandemic

Father God Almighty,
We know You are faithful to Your promises.You will not leave us, nor forsake us. 

Now that we are facing a global crisis 
related to the spread of the COVID-19 virus, 
we are humbled and eager that You hear our prayers.

We bring to You the people 
who have been ill because of this virus. 
May You heal them immediately, 
restore their strength. 
Protect nurses, doctors and other people who take care of the sick, 
give them a strong body so that 
they will not get any disease. 
Strengthen them in times when they are tired and 
comfort them in times when they are discouraged. 

Please give intelligence and clarity 
to the leaders of our country. 
Help them to decide according to Your will, 
for the good of the majority. 

Please take care of our compatriots who have lost their jobs. May help reach them and may they be 
able to cross their daily lives.

We thank the people You continue to use 
to extend help to those most in need in various ways. 
It is up to you to bless them. 
Also to the people who continue to bring 
the services we need while we stay inside our homes, 
please take care of them. 

We pray for Your action so that the spread 
of this virus can be stopped completely. 
We hope and pray that vaccine and cure 
will be discovered  soon for this disease. 

We leave our worries and anxieties to You. 
Because You alone can give us peace and quiet, 
no matter what happens in our environment. 

In You we entrust our lives, our household, 
our countrymen, and our country the Philippines. 

This is our sincere prayer, Amen.

Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Talk To Jesus In The Blessed Sacrament Now, Say this Prayer To Him And Receive His Blessings


         "Jesus, each time I look at the Sacred Host, Sanctify my eyes, that they may close more and more to all that is merely earthly.
       Jesus, each time I look at the Sacred Host, send a ray of Divine Light into my Soul, that I may better know You and myself.
           Jesus, each time I look at the Sacred Host, send a flame of Divine Love into my heart to consume everything in it displeasing to You and to set it all on fire with Your Love.
          Now and in Eternity may my only desire be to contemplate the infinite Beauty of Your Divine countenance which Delights the Angel's. Amen."


Where Do Aborted Babies Souls Go? Say This Prayer For Aborted Babies

Prayer For The Aborted Babies

Our Lord Jesus To Barnabas (29 July 1998) :
"Today the blood of innocent children has filled heaven. Their number is too great, too great . . . the wrath of the Eternal Father is about to fall on mankind...Their blood disturbs My Agonizing Heart and increases My agony...Through this prayer, large numbers of innocent unborn babies will be saved. Pray it daily and make it known to the world. Anyone who teaches it will not be lost. Innocent souls in heaven will not let them become lost. I, with My Love and Mercy, will protect them from falling into mortal sin."

Heavenly Father, Your love is eternal. In Your ocean of love, You saved the world through Your only-begotten Son, Jesus Christ. Now look at Your only Son on the Cross Who is constantly bleeding for love of His people, and forgive Your world. Purify and baptize aborted children with the Precious Blood and water from the Sacred Side of Your Son, Jesus Christ, Who hung dead on the Cross for their salvation; in the Name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. May they, through the holy death of Jesus Christ, gain everlasting life, through His wounds be healed and through His Precious Blood be freed. There to rejoice with the saints in heaven.

Sunday, July 26, 2020

Say This Prayer To Honor Saint Anne For A Special Protection and Intentions

Saint Anne is patroness of unmarried women, housewives, women in labor or who want to be pregnant, grandmothers, and educators. She is also a patroness of horseback riders, cabinet-makers and miners.

Feast Day: July 26

Prayer in Honor of Saint Anne

O Glorious St. Anne, you are compassionate toward those in need who invoke your heavenly intercession. Burdened with life’s difficulties, I place myself before you, and ask that you assist me with the petitions and intentions I now recommend to your special protection.
(Here mention your requests.)
Place my concerns before Our Lord Jesus Christ, and seek the loving aid of your
daughter, the Blessed Virgin Mary. Please continue interceding for me until my requests are granted.
Above all, obtain for me the grace of one day seeing Almighty God face to face, with you and Mary and all the saints, honoring and praising God through all eternity.
Pray for us, good St. Anne. That we may be made worthy of the promises of Christ.
Gracious God, who chose St. Anne to bring into the world the mother of Your only Son. Mercifully grant to us who devoutly honor her memory, the grace of happiness in this life, and the joy of life with You for all eternity. Amen. 

If You Are A Grandparent, Say This Prayer To Saint Anne For Blessings

Grandparent’s Prayer to Saint Anne

O Good Saint Anne, help me to recognize the great dignity of being a grandparent. Direct my paths to understand and experience all the graces God wishes for me in this vital role within my family.
When all is well, grant that I may fully share in the joys and accomplishments of all my loved ones. When life is difficult, lead me to be a source of encouragement, support and hope for everyone. During times of illness and suffering, give me the strength to guide my family to firmly trust in God’s loving care and kindness.
As you did, Saint Anne, help me to know and practice all the ways God wishes for me to be an encouraging presence of faith, charity and unity within my family. Watch over and protect me, my children and my grandchildren. Inspire us to lead good and virtuous lives.
Through the intercession of Jesus and Mary, I ask for God’s continued blessings on my family, that dedicated to God’s service on earth, all the members of my family may one day share together in the eternal happiness of God’s unending love in Heaven. Amen.

Friday, July 24, 2020

Prayer For The Families Of Those Who Died From Covid19

As more people are infected and died of Covid 19, the bereaved families of the victims needs prayers while they mourn for the death of their loved ones. We offer this prayer for them at this moment of their sorrow.

Heavenly Father, 

the Beginning and the End of all things. 
I humbly beg You, Lord God, of all Consolation, to grant all the families that are in mourning and in pain over the deaths of their loved ones as a result of the Coronavirus pandemic. Grant them the Fortitude to bear their exits.

Eternal Rest Grant Unto the Souls of the departed, and let Your Perpetual Light shine upon them.
Grant this through Jesus Christ, Who is the Life and Resurrection.

Our Lady, Queen of all Souls, pray for us. Amen


CATHOLIC INSPIRATIONS OVERLOAD: God, Teach Us The Brevity Of Life: Almighty Father, teach us the brevity of life, so we may grow in wisdom.  Psalms 90:12

Wednesday, July 22, 2020

Devoutly Recite This Prayer 10 Times To Receive Indulgences


Hail, full of grace, the Lord is with thee. 
Thy grace be with me. 
Blessed art thou among women, 
and blessed be St. Anne, thy mother, 
from whom thou didst proceed without stain of sin, 
O Virgin Mary! 
Of thee was born Jesus Christ, 
Son of the living God. Amen. 

(100 days Ind.) [Pius VII, by a decree dated January 10, 1815, grants in perpetuity 100 days’ indulgence to those who shall devoutly recite this prayer, and a plenary indulgence on July 26th, the Feast of St. Anne, to all those who shall have recited it at least ten times each month.]

A Prayer of St. Bernard of Clairvaux To The Blessed Virgin

A Prayer of St. Bernard of Clairvaux

O Blessed Virgin, 
Grant that we may come 
To Thy Son through Thee, 
Who hast found grace, engendered life, 
And Thou art the Mother of salvation. 
Grant that He may receive us through Thee, 
He to whom we were given through Thee. 
May Thy wholesomeness 
Excuse our corruption before Him; 
May Thy humility, so agreeable to God, 
Obtain pardon for our vanity; 
May the abundance of Thy charity 
Cover the multitude of our sins; 
And may Thy glorious fruitfulness, 
Cause in us the fruitfulness of merit.

Oh, our Sovereign Lady, 
Our Mediatrix, our Advocate: 
Reconcile us with Thy Son; 
Recommend us to Thy Son; 
Present us to Thy Son! 
O Blessed Virgin, 
Through the grace which 
Thou hast found before God, 
Through the favor which Thou didst merit, 
Through the mercy which He hast granted Thee, 
Grant that He, who, through Thee 
Deigned to partake of our infirmity and misery, 
May make us, through Thee, 
Share in His glory and beatitude: 
Jesus Christ, Thy Son and Our Lord, 
Who is above all, God blessed forever and ever. 

Tuesday, July 21, 2020

Ask The Help Of Saint Jude When You Are In A Financial Crisis, Powerful Aid In Desperate Cases

Prayer To Saint Jude  for Financial Help

Saint Jude Thaddeus,
Apostle of Christ and glorious Martyr,
great intercessor in all difficult problems.

Today I turn to you with great faith
to ask for your generous assistance
for I am afflicted and tormented
by the lack of economic means.

You who are my beloved saint,
my blessed patron and noble protector
welcome my soul and my body, 
my mind and heart;
I, humbly, prostrated before you, I ask
by the Sacred Hearts of Jesus and Mary,
that you cast me a compassionate glance
and despise not my heartfelt prayer,
so my confidence be not in vain.

You who, in addition to a singular love, 
were united with links of kinship 
to the Divine Redeemer Jesus Christ, 
source of all good and 
are a powerful aid of the desperate. 

Pray for me my patron saint, my aid,
so that, assisted by your precious intercession,
I may receive a prompt and efficacious solution 
for my overwhelming needs.

Make it so that I can obtain urgently, 
needed cash to meet all my expenses, 
payments, debts, and 
have peace of mind and tranquillity.

Make it so, I beg you, 
with the certainty of being heard,
that I obtain what I need so much:

(Ask for everything that you want to attain)

Blessed Saint Jude,
I honor you with special affection and devotion, 
hand me the presence and strength of God.

Protect me in all circumstances,
may your help and consolation never cease.

Obtain for me by the grace of the Lord Jesus, Mary and Joseph, deliverance, prosperity, work and health; 
make it so that well-being is installed in my home.

As an expression of my affection and gratitude,
I promise you, I will promote 
an authentic devotion to you
and already from this moment,
I infinitely give you thanks 
for all your favors.
So be it.

Pray the Apostle's Creed, three (3) Our Fathers, three (3) Hail Marys and three (3) Glorias

Pray these prayers for three consecutive days.

May God bless you abundantly in His rich love and kindness!


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PRAYER TO THE IMMACULATE HEART OF MARY O Mary, Virgin most powerful and Mother of mercy, Queen of Heaven and Refuge o...