Adapted from unknown author for the purpose of sharing to inspire others. May we live the grace of Christmas every day ..
Traditionally, Catholics do not take down their Christmas trees and holiday decorations until January 7, the day after Epiphany. The 12 days of Christmas begin on Christmas Day; the period before that is known as Advent, the time of preparation for Christmas. The 12 days of Christmas end on Epiphany, the day that the three wise men came to pay homage to the child Jesus.
Catholics have different strategies for putting Christmas decorations away, but it is always a bittersweet day.Some choose the Octave Day of Christmas, January 1. Some choose the 12th day of Christmas, the eve of the Epiphany, or January 6, the feast of the Epiphany.Others wait all the way until the last feast of the infancy of Christ — the Presentation, February 2. Some families, on the last day of the liturgical Christmas Season, the feast of the Baptism of Christ (January 13 this year)Here is a prayer you can print it out and hung it as a reminder all year long.
Prayer for Putting Away Christmas Decorations
Lord Jesus, today we have put all of our Christmas decorations away. We are entering into Ordinary Time, and our house looks “ordinary” again, too.But Lord, you know and we know that our house has a secret. Deep inside it, all of our Christmas decorations are still here. The blessing of Christmas is always with us, kept in the deep, quiet places of the house.And Lord, our lives will become ordinary again, too, but you know that each of us has the grace of baptism. The grace you gave us is always with us, in the deep, quiet places of our soul.May we live the grace of Christmas every day, only without all the trappings: May we always give generously, receive gifts gratefully, welcome others, and study your life.Make our house be a home with Christmas at its core, and our souls a home where Jesus always dwells.Amen.
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